Tsakhia "Invincible" Gantulga - (0-5 #47 APAC)

Dudeydude 115

This deck is buckets of fun. When its firing on all cylinders that is, building the engine to handle all that power is best represented through a meme

How it feels to draw cards

You might be thinking "why build an engine that draws cards, won't you have drawn through everything to get that draw engine going? What's the point?" Luckily most of these cards say money, repeat!

 "Who's this tourist? Leave it to 'Invincible' Gantulga to show our guest a good time!"

Why Tsakhia "Invincible" Gantulga ?

This is a stretch of a reference to Armored Core. It would appear on this day I was met with no ordinary corporations.

I played this deck like the "invincible" rummy in true Anarch fashion. Bash your head into things to deter the corps game plan. Forget what you have lost, pick yourself up to do it all again. You could say that I behaved like Rummy, the Coral drunked up AC, and of course the very bottom of the Arena (being the only 0-5 runner at APAC).

Official other name for "Invincible" Rummy - "Dumbass" Rummy

This is actually exactly how I played, it is but the pilot that lets down the technology.

For those wondering the turn counts of my games were

13, 20, 4, 3, 13 Slow, Slow, Quick, Quick, Slow

The endgame of this deck is Sabotage, overwhelm the endgame stacking your Chatty's.

I had one cool play this whole tourney, got a tick of approval from Enkoder in this replay turn 6 which gave me those feel good points

"Without their leadership, their corporations are powerless. A chain of human links is easily broken."

*Allmind thanks you for your cooperation*

Did you get all 6 references ?

Also I really just wanted to play cool new card

Ashen Epipog