1441 - Silver Shotgun

anr_marsellus 1342

Taking the 1441 prototype to 2016 - that is a VERY orange meta.

Anarchs everywhere. So why not just play so many silver bullets, that you are guaranteed to hit 'em hard? So here goes:

3x Swordsman 3x Cyberdex Virus Suite 2x Elizabeth Mills 2x Corporate Troubleshooter

The combined effect of this package makes the Anarch matchup VERY favourable, while not really losing a lot of power versus Shapers or Criminal, but who plays those anyway.

Short wrap-up of the playstyle: You typically want to win by scoring out fast 3x Project Atlas and 1x Hostile Takeover or 2x Project Atlas and 3x Hostile Takeover. Occasionally, Oaktown Renovation is a nice early game score as well. The deck is pretty fast (even though it lost some speed compared to previous versions for I cut 1x Biotic Labor) and you punish runners that have a slower setup time. Usually the game is over in less than 10 turns by corporation agenda point victory. Criminal games are a little longer since you have to protect HQ and cannot just rush out as easily due to Inside Job still existing.

A server of Swordsman+Enigma is a 99% guaranteed score v all the Anarch decks out there. Add troubleshooter into that server if they have Mimic to pump Swordsman to strength 4. Since runners cannot sucker-farm Archives for there is usually an early Cyberdex Virus Suite inside, Parasites are A LOT slower. Also the surprise rez of Cyberdex Virus Suite when they run a parasited-but-not-yet-dead Archer feels great.

Elizabeth Mills is a card I found very useful in a lot of matchups. Off-Campus Apartment, freshly isntalled Earthrise Hotels, Personal Workshop, Artist Colony... Ms. Mills torches them all, even though Wyldside is still her all-time favourite.

Corporate Trouleshooter is gold in this deck. Against non-D4v1d runners, Archers get even more teeth, a surprise str 6 Enigma can secure a score v Refractors with just a stealth cred. Most importantly, and often overlooked: The added strength remains for the rest of the TURN, not just the run.

Mark Yale is great, suddenly Hostile Takeovers yield a whopping 10 credits, and you can bluff an agenda with him in order to force some resource waste. It also prevents Bank Job or Dirty Laundry on said server. Also, Mark Yale enables an Archer rez from one credit if you have an agenda counter.

The deck requires some training, but that pays off. Lastly, the explanation of where the "1441" came from: http://replygif.net/1441

26 Apr 2016 RiverLethe

How is Swordsman and Enigma a guaranteed scoring server vs. Anarchs? I understand if you're also using Corporate Troubleshooter, but that's only if they aren't running D4v1d. Mimic and Yog.0 make it only 2 credits to get in (3 if you pump Swordsman to 4). Or if they aren't using Yog.0, but Faust, then 2-3 credits and two cards.

26 Apr 2016 RiverLethe

Ah, nevermind, I see now. It's counting on there only being Mimic as killer options.

26 Apr 2016 Chuftbot

I really like where you've taken this. Good stuff.

26 Apr 2016 Diegofsv

This is amazing. Thx

26 Apr 2016 TheBigBoy

Swordsman Enigma is broken by Clone Chip and a Faust in the bin ;) This is VERY relevant.

27 Apr 2016 anr_marsellus

@TheBigBoy While you are totally right, if there is no installed Clone Chip this is a risk worth taking. Also you can bait them into that server with, say, an Oaktown to create a scoring window the turn after with a much more important agenda than Atlas :) Alas, you really do not NEED a scoring server as you can just FA everything, but particularly if you draw your 4/2 agendas, this is something you want to do.

27 Apr 2016 Elodius

loved every version of this ! 10/10 would sleeve again !

27 Apr 2016 anr_marsellus

@Elodius glad to hear :)

3 May 2016 gammanet

i lost to this the other night, good to know there were 2 biotics, also the 3rd hostile was a surprise XD

why bailiff when parasites are things?

5 May 2016 Marmalade87

I guess because it isn't always for vs Anarch, Titan can afford the extra 1 cred over an Ice wall and it won't always be Parasite. It'll be Faust or Corroder.

12 May 2016 ashtaroth

Why don't you use Sansan City Grid instead of the Biotic Labors? It's essentially the same influence, but it's cheaper to Score the agendas overall and it's a threat they have to deal with. You are already packing The Interns and Ciberdex Virus Suite, so, Imps are not that scary. Only Whizzard can pose a veritable menace, but, I reckon you can manage around your ICE and Corporate Troubleshooter to block him out. Biotic also makes you hold cards in hand more, which may be a burden.

What are your thoughts in this?

13 May 2016 Ater

I've been putzing around with a version if this deck on jinteki and it's been killing. Even vs non anarchs. I generally just go ultra aggressive, and give up a few points a game. But with the current meta of asset spams and runners working towards the long game and kind of setting up, no one sees fast advance weyland coming.

Pretty much every game I go super aggressive and score 2-4 points in the first couple turns, putting the runner in a hole they try to dig out of but at that point is to late, or they try to keep up and again they are terribly behind board stat that it ends up being at the worst a race for the last points.

I think I've played like 8-9 games today and lost one and no one ever sees it coming. Very fun and good deck