Overdrive Draft - TetonCon '14

CrimsonWraith 3638

I believe I drafted every Runner economy card that I saw... there were slim pickings all around. I was relying on Silencers and Switchblade for breaking sentries, with the limited-use Cerberus breakers as my primary means for getting through barriers and code gates. Remember all the code gates I saw on the Corp side? Yep, that's why we have 3 copies of Rex in the deck here. With Overmind included, this made for an interesting little deck that could snipe any one server when I needed to, but could not consistently maintain pressure on any server with more than a single sentry.

Alright, let's talk about some of the other card choices here. R&D Interface was the only multi-access card I recall seeing the whole draft, I picked it up immediately. Scavenges worked well to replenish the limited-use breakers. In a pinch, I could Aesop's them and Deja Vu a program back, but that was rather costly in regards to credits and clicks. I included Net Celebrity and Scrubbed simply to counter the Corp currents that I saw on that side of the draft. Scrubbed ended up being useless in this deck, while Net Celebrity more than pulled its weight. Akamatsu was Aesop's food, never needed the memory. Wyldside was the only form of card draw I saw in the draft and also paired well with Aesop's. Zona Sul Shipping ended up doing all the heavy lifting in my economy as a mini-Kati Jones, but it was fairly slow and still left me clicking for credits constantly. I'm not a big fan of Daily Casts in regular play, but beggars can't be choosers with economy in draft play. The Aesop's helped out a bit there as well. Ghost Runners were probably the MVP of the deck, allowing Switchblade to get through multi-sentry servers where the Silencers alone simply would not do. Along with seemingly everything else in the deck, they too served as Aesop's food once I got down to a credit left on them and I had enough Silencers to which I felt the 1 Ghost Runners credit was not necessary.

I ended up running the table and going undefeated with the Runner. My closest match was against Katie and her deck of undying encrypted portal code gates. She got an early 4-0 lead and I face-planted into an Archer before the tables turned in my favor. Getting through Archer for free (via Switchblade and two recurring Silencer credits) does have that effect though. Eventually, she couldn't keep me out, and I caught up and won after establishing an R&D lock with my R&D Interface singleton. I also had a very close game against Craig's corp. He played with more of a horizontal server shell-game-esque strategy with several cheap sentries, that played right into my hand once I had the Switchblade/Silencer set-up. I was able to keep constant pressure and kept him low on credits throughout to pull away with the win.