Jank-Master 3000

Soviet Potato 1

This ladies and gentlemen, is my pride and joy. I have spent countless months and games perfecting this hunk of jank to the best of my misguided abilities. It is the perfect storm of stupidity, efficiency, and surprise, allowing it to win somewhere above half of the games it plays. The goal of the deck is exceedingly simple. Win. This is done in the most direct means imaginable, making runs and not giving a damn what they have installed as ice. Very few corps can stop this juggernaut once it gets rolling, and with Faust and Mimic there to lead the vanguard for the early game, you should never truly fear anything (except fear itself of course), The starting hand should have at the very least a single ice, though its not that big of a deal to start without one given Quetzal's ability. I have been to get through two deep servers before coasting on nothing but transhuman expressionism! And bioroids, But mostly the other thing! What is truly key however is being able to start the game with some sort of draw card, as with Faust, cards such as Diesel double both as card advantage and an economic resource.

Now, just in case there are any individuals who are unaware of the synergy, Faust is present within this deck as the main icebreaker. To properly use Faust it must be supplemented with the aid of card draw. Sadly, other than I've Had Worse, Anarch is not particularly well endowed, forcing the poor souls who attempt to make this deck work to import lots and lots of Shaper events, particularly Diesel and Quality Time. As well, due to Faust being an AI, it is susceptible to devilish confoundments in the form of Wraparound, Swordsmen, and Turing. Quetzal is the ideal ID for Faust as she naturally already deals with Wraparound. She also just so happens to be in the faction containing Mimic, also effectively dealing with Swordsman. If you see someone playing Turing, the only advice I may offer is to give them a dirty look and pay the three clicks like a trooper.

Questionable card choices:

Liberated Account -- Now, I know what you're all thinking, not only is this card bad econ, I'm running three copies! But, consider briefly the alternatives. Day Job takes up an entire turn of clicks and still costs two credits, placing it at a total credit cost of five. In addition, Day Job provides two more credits of value over the same four clicks than Liberated Account. However this assumption relies on the idea that clicks are worth ONLY a single click, when in fact they are the most scarce of resources the runner has, and are in addition the fulcrum to all victories. A runner can't spend their time dilly dallying in Mccie D's! Liberated Account gives the runner the freedom to choose exactly when they wish to receive there creds, instead of en masse on a single turn. Also it produces two more creds total over its life span, but that's just nitpicking. After Day Job, the only other in faction econ that Anarch possesses is Power to the People and Hard at Work, and let's not kid ourselves here.

Only two Imp -- I tried to have three, I really did, but I simply needed at least a single copy of Same Old Thing for insurance in case my Levy AR Lab Access gets sunk, and there simply was not anything else I was willing to cut.

A Quetzal: Free Spirit and Faust deck -- I have nothing reasonable to defend this decision.

Kool tips to know for the kool kids: If your playing against an opponent who is almost undoubtedly playing a flatline deck, even if it seems that I am skimping on defenses, there is still hope for thee! Once you have properly identified the threat at hand, begin digging like crazy for either Imp or Djinn. With the D-meister out you will be able to search for imp easily and, to aid in your righteous quest of not dying, Nerve Agent (zis is ironic, no?). You must now simply focus on flushing out the key offenders present in the Corp's HQ, and if you are able to confirm in a mostly quantifiable manner (Seances are allowed) that no threat currently exists to your bodily health, you can worry-free begin aggressively beating the shiz out of whoever deigned the thought of standing up to Quetzal. Now go out, and let your hard disk space be the limit!