All Hayl ChameLLeon

BountyHunterSAx 54

The 'LL' stands for London Library, or LLds Processor. Take your pick :)!

My first stab at a Hayley Kaplan deck. Already it's proven incredibly effective against a wide array of corps in my local meta including HB:handsize reduction, HB:EtF, Blue Sun: Glacier, NBN: FA, and yes, even Jinteki:PE-style or "The Brewery".

The 'core rig' is London Library, used to free-install a Femme and then pay2 to install a chameleon. This will get you through 2-ice deep servers for a menial amount of credits. Especially since femme itself is a sentry-breaker.

LLDS chips boost the strength of your chameleons, but most the time I've found that +1 (ie: total of 4) + 1femme'd ice is enough. When even more is required, dinosaurus is there to help.

Now, London Library rigs suffer from two major downsides: 1.) click-intensity and 2.) hand-vulnerability. My deck mitigates these risks. 1.) Chameleon's "auto-bounce" means I only need to click to install him; or when using femme I only need to click to install Femme and pay2 for a spare chameleon. Then, I add auto-scripter to the mix since it is exceedingly rare for a run to fail when you're using femmes and omnibreakers almost exclusively.

2.) With the exception of the butchershop, meat damage is almost always played in the context of a killshot rather than a hand-tax. Therefore it's specifically net damage from snare and its ilk that LL has a hard time with. To deal with this, I have a Deus X and THREE clone chips. The clone chips serve the dual purpose of either recurring a Deus X for more damage protection or restoring a breaker/medium lost due to it being trashed. Solid.

Other things to note:

-> Income Package: At any given time, I'm likely leaving 2 memory unused for self-bouncing chameleons or me-bounced femmes. Therefore Data Folding is a given in this deck. I leverage Hayley's abilities by including a mix of cheap resources (Armitage, SoT, Public Sympathy) and Career Fair targets (Data Folding, Daily Casts) instead of falling into the usual shaper trap of 'Magnum Opus'. Armitage x3 is almost always sufficient for a voluntary burst to go trash a problematic asset. And if the game goes even longer, there's always the levy. Finally, note the dirty laundry. It's there because click-efficiency for running with London Library is key.

-> "Why Medium?" By far the question I'm asked the most. The answer though is fairly obvious. R&D interface costs a lot for anyone other than Kate to get out. Even Kate feels the pinch. Further, R&D interface rewards you for one good run every few turns, but provides no way to exploit a corp for failing to truly protect R&D. By comparison; Medium is a single card. It costs only 3 -- making it an excellent Hayley target for my incessant "click, install femme on LL" shennanigans. And the longer the corp fails to "lock you out" of R&D, the longer it pushes your edge towards winning. Added bonus? The inevitable purge that gives you a whole extra turn.

Try it out; I'm sure you'll find it solid and entertaining to play!