Ice Millter

onesadjam 33

I took this deck to day 1 of the GenCon 2014 North American Championship tournament. I did not do well :) This deck is great fun in casual play as it presents some interesting problems for the corporation. In tournament play, however, a smart corp can generate a scoring window that is open for multiple turns.

The overriding goal of this deck is to kill all of the ice in front of R&D and then go to town with keyhole. Jinteki decks are particularly susceptible here. Keyholes lack of access neuters any traps you might encounter. Once keyhole has a foothold, my trashing priority is agendas, recursion, ice. It's incredibly fun to pop keyhole and have entire turns of milling R&D while the corp sweats. Once enough agendas are in archives, dive in and win. If archives is too guarded to get to, just mill the rest of the deck out.

Running this deck, I'll face check with an empty rig until the corp has more than 7 credits or rezzed all installed ice. This gives the benefit of both making the corp poor and generating targets for parasite. If the corp gets a bankroll going I'll start to install, looking first for deep red, knight, and forged activation orders.

In casual and league play I've had pretty good success with this deck. The biggest issue I've seen is consistency. If the corp can get a turn or two up before I find programs it can be game over.