
sjohn 112

Test deck, will be much better once Wireless Net Pavilion comes out, at least until The All Seeing I releases.

The extra resource installs off of Hayley allow All-Nighter to be a decent card in this deck. Had Magnum Opus in for a while but replaced with Armitage to synergize better.

General game plan is to use the SMCs and Clone Chips to get our your Leprechauns and Hyperdrivers once you have all 3 out, and your 3 All-nighters installed you can start the hyper mill.

4 Clicks + 3x3 Hyperdriver Clicks + 3x1 All-nighter Clicks = 16 Mills in a single turn.

Note: The corp has a window after every single click. Seek out Jackson and destroy. You have normal breakers to be able to get in.

10 Aug 2015 skaterforsale
