Spesâ, Eco-Inspirationist (1st @ EMEA)

jan tuno 3863

stop doing sure gamble

(i have no clue why this corruption happened. it looks fun though)

I planned to do a cute writeup but then never got around to it so here's the Runner deck that won EMEA. Unlike the Corp, it got some losses (two to the EAS Killmari deck, one to Snare!, one I can't remember at the moment).

Esa is pretty strong and I had a great time playing xem at ACC. Experimenting more after the tournament and using paillu's list as a starting point, I realized the meta was getting fast enough that Fermenter risked just doing nothing if a Mavirus appeared at the wrong time. Some study of Council's all in your cabesa convinced me to try Mystic Maemi as a less interactable drip piece.

Finally, Fi just mentioned Spark of Inspiration as a potential Esa slot a few days before EMEA. I thought it was silly, but then I briefly tried a build with Orca in it and it felt amazing. We tried Amina, we tried Inversificator, Spark seemed to turn everything into gold. In the end I went with a more conservative choice of a very skeletal breaker suite with Spark to assemble it faster. Retrieval Run I had been trying out for a little while and it's a nice way to not have to worry too much about damaging your hand while also being useful against SDS.

Light the Fire! never got used on the day because PD players are cowards and always dodge me (and when they don't they are world champions who win turn 6).

The tournament was amazing and I've talked about that a lot in my other writeup. ICC list (better than this one imo) coming soon too!

27 Jul 2024 Council


27 Jul 2024 Council

It only takes one spark to light the fire