The Prestige Redux

greyfield 3917


This is the runner I should have taken to Worlds. It's an update of my build from American Continentals, a deck which is very good against glaciers due to how Top Hat/Insight breaks the symmetry of ice and running by letting you wait until you see a target so you only have to run when you know it'll work. After a disappointing runner day on Friday, I was able to take this deck to a pretty easy 3-0 run through a side event Sunday to get my Vitruviuses.

From my original list, I cut the PAD Taps (RIP), one Turntable, and the Boomerang. In their place I put in a Kati Jones and Trickster Taka for yet more drip, a Legwork as a compromise to Asa and Titan matchups, a third Stimhack to make up for losing them to Zer0 fairly often, and Beth Kilrain-Chang, the change I'm most pleased with. Because this deck sits back and doesn't readily force the corp to rez ice, you often get into a situation where both players are high on credit counts, which means Beth often helps with one area where the deck could sometimes struggle: click compression. With Beth, it's much harder for the corp to cheese you out with Border Controls, Nisei counters and other one-off click-wasters.

Other cards I've considered mixing in: Whistleblower, Ice Carver, Hunting Grounds, Hernando Cortez, Political Operative, and Imp. Overall, though, the core game plan is tight enough that customization is easy and per your own specifications.

13 Oct 2020 ValkyriezGaming

Maybe a silly question, but you only need 1 copy of Top Hat installed right?

By the way, I played a variant of your ICE Kicking Hoshiko at APAC and at Worlds, I really liked it even if I did not do well with it.