
Wrecko 499

I got second in our store championship with an earlier version of this deck and I think this one is significantly better.

This deck is not subtle.

Reina is a terrorist. She wants the corp to know who is attacking them. She wants everyone to know why she is attacking them. She doesn't need to hide. She can't be stopped because the corp won't have the credits, they won't have the cards, they won't have the clicks.

Ideally every server you run costs the corp 3 extra credits to rez the first piece of ice thanks to Rook. You'll be attacking all three centrals and any remotes. That's 10+ extra credits the corp didn't know they needed to spend. Keep Rook on rezzed ice during the corp's turn; if they want to trash Rook, they'll have to lose out on the investment they made to rez the ice. With Rook, Reina and recurred Account Siphons, you should have economic advantage.

You'll have 5 clicks a turn unless they spend 2 credits and a click to get rid of Joshua B. in which case you just install another Josh. You need those clicks too. Wanton Destruction will drain their HQ and Data Leak Reversal will drain their R&D. Once Data Leak Reversal is down, just keep trashing cards off of their R&D until the corp gets rid of it. You'll want to be drawing aggressively with your extra clicks as well. You should have click advantage and card advantage.

Activist Support and Investigative Journalism is a really nice supplemental economy. Eater is already a great breaker, Eater with a couple of Bad Publicity should get past anything the Corp can afford to rez. Bad Publicity is also great for trashing unguarded assets economically. If Investigative Journalism is clogging your hand, just discard it, the deck has enough economy to get by without them and you can bring them back with Levy AR Lab Access. Nothing is better economy than Bad Publicity. Activist Support alone can net you 4-5 credits a turn.

25 of the 45 cards cost one or less. They will cost the corp significantly more to deal with. This deck just throws so many threats at the corp that they can't deal with them all. With that thought, Armitage Codebusting replaced Day Job. Play them the same way but with Armitage Codebusting you have extra credits you can access later that the corp probably can't afford to deny you.

Plascrete Carapace and I've Had Worse keep you alive in case your Wanton Destruction, Data Leak Reversal, Keyhole and economic pressure doesn't stop them from pulling together a combo. I keep I've Had Worse in my grip until I am certain they are not trying to kill me. I've Had Worse is your best card against Jinteki net damage decks.

Knight is for Wraparound and the game winning Archive run (Rook and Account Siphon mean that you usually don't need it). Mimic is for Swordsman.

21 Mar 2015 CJFM

@Wrecko Definitely not subtle, but a sweet deck, nonetheless! I love seeing Activist Support being played, and you may have given me a new idea for a deck -- not sure if it's a Valencia or it's Reina, yet. Great brew!

21 Mar 2015 Wrecko

@CJFM Thanks! Any suggestions are welcome. Ping me when you finish your deck. I'd like to see what you come up with.

24 Mar 2015 CJFM

@Wrecko Was working on a variant to yours. (Haven't finished the new deck idea yet.) Thought I'd share it.

24 Mar 2015 bobman

Very inspirational build. I really would like to fit in a Xanadu in there somewhere. Imagine... 4 credits to rez a Pop-up Window

24 Mar 2015 Wrecko

@bobman You could do that, but since this deck is designed to float tags, the corp will probably just trash it. Which is what they'll do with other resources as well but Xanadu costs 3 to install so if they trash it, you lose economically. I love Xanadu with Reina, but I don't think this is the right deck for that.

29 Mar 2015 elderbookwyrm

I really like this deck... I wish I could find a way to sqeeze either Crescentus and/or Blackmail in... but I'm not sure what I'd pull out. Well obviously have to take the Levy AR Lab Access for Crescentus and probably take out the 2x Investigative Journalism. I do like the Tag me with Activist Support. Investigative Journalism just seems like it would need significant setup... after a drain... then the corp not trashing it... then your whole next turn... to get one credit a run for the foreseeable future. If you got it off early that would be great, but it just seems like a card that would be win more... when you are already ahead. I'd rather keep pressure on them. The Activist Support I totally agree with... and would activate Blackmail runs if they don't clear it fast. Plus this deck has that awesome Reina feel... if you get me... and Investigative Journalism just doesn't seem her style.

29 Mar 2015 elderbookwyrm

Actually while I think about it, I'd rather have Déjà Vu instead of Investigative. Enable more Siphon lock.

29 Mar 2015 Wrecko

Thanks for the feedback @elderbookwyrm. You are probably right about the Déjà Vu, which I removed along with Parasite. I want to give this deck a bit more burn as is before I abandon the Bad Publicity effort. I should point out that the corp trashing Investigative Journalism is a perfectly solid result for this deck as well.

Another options I've been considering is to drop Levy AR Lab Access and Investigative Journalism and add 3 Crescentus, which might require me to tweak my MU a bit. Levy AR Lab Access is also fantastic against net damage decks.