Creeper & Sage v1.2

mhoroszowski 8

1 Jan 2015 gumed85

Im very interested about your deck. I have some questions, if you don't mind:

1: How is Underworld contact doing for you? Do you think it gives enough to justify spending influence on Hostage?

2: How do you deal with stuff like tollbooth?

3: Dinosaurus x3 really needed?

4: Would you replace Test Run x2 with raw draw like an extra Diesel and Quality time?

5: Do you rely a lot on Kati?

Thank you!

2 Jan 2015 mhoroszowski

1) Underworld contact works well half the time... I love getting up a solid drip economy, but it does take soo much work to get it up and stable.

2) Pay 3 credits then break normally or with D4v1d.

3) I go back and froth... you programs you can tutor out but its annoying to try and get that Dinosaurus, which is a must for the Sageasurus combo. I might replace the third one with a extra Diesel.

4) I like test run because it also pulls from heap if a key program got trashed.

5) YES! Kati is the best economy in this deck... just got to watch for tags!