Ice shards - Gimme some advice to thin this!

Grumblecorn 70

The idea is to explode ice left and right as much as you can. Using Val cause right now I'm at 53, but if I can get it tripped a bit I'd probably use whizzard to add in some additional breaking. Maybe Eddie Kim to blow up operations instead. Not sure. What I am sure about though is that I need to trip some shit, I just don't know what yet.

3 Dec 2015 Joshy

Haha I do love me a good trippin! Wyrm sucks. It only helps when all the centrals are locked down and you can't get sucker tokens, and you have loads of cash. So this is what I'd do... -2 prey (Because what are you planning on trashing? anything less than 3 strength your suckers can handle easily). +2 clone chips (best anarch card printed). -1 memstrips (you only want to see it late game, if you actually want it). -2 Wyrm (It sucks, I've tried). *now you're down to 50. +1 Datasucker (need that guy early). -1 Cyberfeeder (questionable). *Still on 50.

I think that trips some shit? What do you think? Have you played a few games with this deck? Do you find the 3 multithreaders amazing? Why not faust instead of eater? Do you find yourself looking at your hand and seeing a whole bunch of deja Vu's? That's me :) Good luck dude

3 Dec 2015 Grumblecorn

@Joshy the idea was to use Wyrm as a backup to Datasucker to pop parasites/prey. After all, if Wyrm/Datasucker can get something to 0 strength, that's 0 things you got to trash for Prey to pop an ice. That's the logic I've got with it anyway.

6 Dec 2015 Joshy

Oh very interesting. I missed that. Sorry bud :) Alright cool will you report back and let me know how the 2 work? Thanks :) Good luck!