Amplifier Worship (1st Berlin Standard CO)

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Deck valid after Sixth Rotation
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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awildturtok 60

This is an optimized list on my earlier Arruaceiras/Aumakua list. I've cut the Echelon and a Diesel for a full playset of Aenas, which was definetly the correct choice. My runner games were awkward too awkward for me to set up my rig how I wanted, so Aenas was never fully relevant; but it was necessary insurance to be able to win with a Bellona steal.

The 1x Moshing feels great when the draw auto draw dwindles, to find other key pieces.

Awhoo Crew+Devil Charm feels massively unfair to play into any corp that isn't trying to score super fast; and even then good draw should help us do just Conduit lock them.