NWE is a Tyrrible Influence (CBI 30th)

Anzekay 387

I rarely have time to play standard Netrunner these days, and that means I'm typically behind on putting decks together as well. But I qualified for CBI, and I wanted to play even if it did start at 9pm for me!

This is my own adjusted version of Lostgeek's CBI list (found here: https://netrunnerdb.com/en/decklist/47fe18aa-da5a-43db-8d8d-00118807d429/there-s-core-in-the-water-15th-at-cbi-)

I went 3-2 with this list. The losses were a) an awful game on stream where I played like shit and my opponent played very well. It happens! b) a game against Percomis where we were sadly going to have one of us get knocked out of the top cut either way. He stole 6 points from archives and I slightly miscounted our credit difference at 4am and went all in with a single punitive, only for him to have exactly just enough credits. I probably should've asked to re-do that and done some proper maths to just drain him down on enough credits while preserving some credits for myself, but it was also just very funny for us to both go to 0c.

Wins were via an Anenome rez kill vs Esa, a Nani Grid Tyr trigger blowing up someone's only Killer, and a Punitive kill after hitting a Hoshiko with a turn 1 Anansi. Dropped after the games vs Percomis in round 5 so I could sleep.

The Regoliths probably should've been NGOs. Ivik... was actually not bad but any other barrier would be fine if it's not just ETR alone. Sim Reset is very good but probably not needed in this deck.

I'll never stop jamming Punitive in things.

15 Jan 2023 thebigunit3000

Congrats on the impressive finish (while also repping your fave ICE)!

16 Jan 2023 Baa Ram Wu

Excellent work! Was very surprised not to see Keeling in this List as she seems like a great combo with Punitive - get their handsize to 2 and kill off a single punitive 3 point steal.

16 Jan 2023 Anzekay

@Baa Ram WuI certainly considered her, but finding space for Keeling and also needing to keep her alive in a remote is tricky when I'm already needing econ, some tricks and to keep a remote for scoring out of! Maybe if I give this some refinement I'll try her out.

@thebigunit3000Thanks bud! I'm still really stoked that Tyr is appearing in top tier decks these days, even if it's for weird Nanisivik shenanigans haha.

19 Jan 2023 MattOhNo

Punitive is such a top-tier FUN card