
pspacekitten 179

Hi there! I've been playing for a couple of months, sharing my partner's cards, but we're into a tournament next week -our first!- and unluckily the core set I ordered is not going to arrive on time.

Thing is I have been forced to create a Corp deck with no Hedge Fund -yeah, I know...- and limited card pool (Creation and Control, Future Proof, Cyber Exodus, What Lies Ahead, Core Set), so any kind of advice or suggestions will be warmly welcomed!

Thank you!

4 Feb 2016 Krams

Well... BABW with only Beanstalk Royalties as the only transaction operation is going to be hard. It's like a blank ID. Marked Accounts and Private Contracts might be transactions, too, but the wording on the ID card sadly says operation.

The distribution of ICE cost and strength looks great. The total amount of ICE and the number of ETR ICE makes for a solid glacier with stopping power from early to late. Not bad. But a 1-of Archer as your only big ICE might be problematic against breaker suites that are efficient against low strength ICE. The standard anarch suite might give you a hard time. First thing I'd change would probably be adding a few ICE roughly the size of a Tollbooth ;)
Maybe remove a few Matrix Analyzer or Shadow to make room for something bigger? I don't know. If you insist on keeping the Matrix Analyzer, I'd probably give him more ICE he can buff. It's a bummer you don't have Fire Wall. For Weyland, it's better than Bastion.

14 Agendas seem like a lot. But you might be able to secure centrals and a remote fast enough to pull it off in the early game. The problem remains that 1) you can be easily agenda flooded and have no Jackson Howard to save you and 2) R&D deep digs are going to find a lot of value.

I think the deck looks okay overall, given your limited card pool. But it might run into trouble against runner decks built from a more complete card pool. But I guess that's always a problem.

4 Feb 2016 enk

If your friend is playing HB, you may want to grab NBN instead - or the other way around. This deck feels a bit shaky with your card pool: almost blank ID, and really bad agendas.

NBN gets you better agendas (astro, beale), while HB gets you money and Ash. Unless you are very fond of Weyland, I suggest a swap.

Kinda hard to say without knowing which cards your friend has grabbed. If any number of Ash is available I would include them in this deck, and then slim down the agenda suite by cutting some of the 3/1 for 4/2 if there are any available. Use the deck slots for any money cards you have.

4 Feb 2016 pspacekitten

@KramsThank you! It's been harsh, but the couple times I've tested has been pretty easy to take ice out and rezzed in time. Money is not that of an issue, and the beanstalk act as hedge fund for yeah, a blank ID.

@enk He's playing HB, and you are right about the agenda flood, that's why I mostly put 1 or 2 point agendas, and at the end, my game is pretty much to flatline... but yeah, I might see what I can come up with an NBN deck - it's just I haven't played it much and I don't know if I can pull that off! :P

Thanks for your imputs, I'm gonna work on that!

4 Feb 2016 enk

You can still import the Scorched Earth and have your SEA Source flatline option. However, these days it's hard to kill anyone with just 2x scorched. NBN also opens up the Midseason Replacements route for tagging.

If you want to try NBN, I'd suggest NBN: The World is Yours*. The smaller deck size should help combat the limited card pool. Although with just 12 influence it can be tough, esp. since you probably want to include Beanstalk Royalties to replace Hedges.

5 Feb 2016 pspacekitten

@enk Thank you so much for your imput! I've switched to NBN and even tho I'm not used to play it, combos are easier to play. Thank you!