Gee Whiz

Dr_Madhatter 475

This seems to be doing well in early testing and I thought I would post it here to gather feedback so that it can be improved.

SanSan works great in this, being very expensive to trash with cards in archives. It is key to scoring agendas as most of the time a remote will remain naked. There is a weakness if both Sansans are lost. Caprice is a back up to scoring out an agenda if Sansan becomes unavailable.

DRT+Snare! is there to scare the runner from running too often and using multi access. Like Sansan, trashing DRT is a tough decision for the runner. The snares always stay in hand. Mamba compliments this even further - with even one counter on it making hitting a Snare! a possible flatline when DRT is active.

The Pups always go over archives. Sometimes with a caprice in the root. Shocks in here too make running on archives a pretty big decision.

Agendas work well in this. I will often throw a medical breakthrough in archives if I am in a good early-game position to help me score out the other 2.

Please note that this is a WIP. Any feedback is very much appreciated!

28 Dec 2014 Friff14

It looks good.

Why DRT? It doesn't seem like there's much tagging going on, except Snare and Hunter. Snare is deadly with DRT, of course, but I think it's almost good enough on its own. And Hunter is not that effective unless you can trace them really well. I think you could replace it with another punishing asset of some kind. Like another snare and something unexpected, like Chairman Hiro or Director Haas. Hiro would support the flatline possibility (as well as making it scary to run Archives if you have some damaging ICE in front of it and Shocks in it), and Haas could do some serious work with the FA. IG's ability could make it really difficult to trash the executives.

Also, some more-taxing ICE on Archives could help. A Tollbooth, Komainu, Eli, or Hive, perhaps.

29 Dec 2014 Dr_Madhatter

@Friff14 Thanks for the feedback!

Your right, there isn't much tagging going on. This is because I want the Snare/DRT combo to be a surprise and an alternative win condition rather than the main purpose of the deck. Hunter was an experiment as I found the runner on low credits quite often but is now replaced by Kitsune (I will publish a V2 of this deck after more testing).

I don't like the executives in this deck, they are more hassle than what their worth and makes the weakness to Imp even more of a problem. I can just about deal with Imp with a bit of luck and clever play, but it is a major problem for Industrial Genomics in general.

Inf is too tight to include out of faction ice. I am still developing the ice suite though so maybe there could be room for Komainu. As mentioned earlier, Kitsune has gone in to increase the chances of a Snare!/DRT flatline.

Thanks again for the feedback :)