Cowardly Sniper

nogugubulal 10

Do you hate glaciers and expensive ICE? Do you like setting up a rig before starting to run as crim? DO YOU LIKE FORCING THE CORP TO REZ THEIR ICE JUST TO SEE IT GO BOOM!?

Look no further.

Set up via Andydraw + Econ (Temjem, Moose, all kinds of Career Fair Shenanigans) into Snitch and Au Revoir, scout their ICE, load up The Turning Wheel.

Then Blackguard + Run Amok their asses. Watch the corps' economy crumble as they are forced to rez their expensive ice just to lose them as you jack out for extra creds.

They won't know what hit them.

Additional info for those who need a guide:

When setting up, either aim for:
* Multiple Au Revoirs, preferably along with Snitch
* Career Fair into Temüjin or Earthrise Hotel (or Blood Moose)
* Gambles, Tappy Wurms and similar good stuff

Then, once your initial econ is up and running, use Snitch, Au Revoir and The Turning Wheel to gain creds, scout ice (very important, a big part of playing this deck is getting information on which Ice are where, so make sure to run Ice before the Corp puts another piece in front of them and forego Turning Wheel Counters if it means scouting Archive or Remote Ice*)

Once you have amassed creds and cards, put down your console, the infamous Blackguard (important, do not play it before you feel like you're ready - you won't be able to bounce off via Snitch more often than once after it comes down). Using Snitch and Run Amok, force Ice rezzes, allowing you to jack out and trash the ice rest seconds before. The plan here is to drive the Corp into poverty, using them in conjunction with Account Siphon to ensure that Corp Corp never has money to do anything.

Keep playing events with Same Old Thing and eventually recur a whole bunch of cards using Rip Deal with Turning Wheel counters. Using Temujin and Tapwrm will often incite the Corp to ice down Archives. This may prove to be their undoing as Ice on archives is just another target for Snitch guard to strike ( in fact you can at times even leave it rezzed there - it won't do much).

As for Rebirth targets, there is no clear intended target with this deck. Leela can be nice, and since Corps tend to score agendas while this deck needs to set up Mr. Stirling can prove to be a useful ally as well, with both Los and Steve being situationally good. Silhouette can sometimes prove to be even better (Blackguard is hers after all) but normally only sees play against trap decks.

Interdiction is a useful tech card against a counter to this deck, namely assets and upgrades eligible to be rezzed before you can force a rez via Snitch (or an Account Siphon), which wastes the card.

*Edge cases may apply. Use your own brain to figure out the wisest course of action.

11 Aug 2017 byjarke

I've tried a similar deck (no Rip Deal i.e.) and I was wondering, how do you deal with not finding breakers? I've lost so many games to players just hiding the agenda behind a couple of ice...

11 Aug 2017 nogugubulal

Hey @byjarke, honestly Run Amok does a fine double job as a remote agenda snatcher. Corps will often not rez their ice out of fear of losing it.

Alternatively, Maxwell James can also be used to this effect if you can reliably get into HQ (say, if you have the Breakers to do so but not for the pertaining remote).

And finally, the deck is pretty good at making the Corp inopportunely poor. If you know where their expensive Ice is (and ideally you should have scouted their Ice out) you can force them to rez their Ice (on, say archives or R&D) after which they lack the funds to rez their remote Ice. A hail Mary Account Siphon run can have a similar effect if you don't have Blackguard up yet.