Blue Sun Quick and Deadly

jfaulkner8 55

I've tried so many different variants of Blue Sun and this is the most effective version I've been able to come up with. I'm happy to hear your comments though as it's bound to change come O&C.

Blue Sun is amazing for a number of reasons:

  1. Economic Burst - Burst early with Oversight AI and econ cards. Score quickly to put the pressure on the runner to make a mistake.
  2. Move around your more effective ice (Data Raven, Tollbooth, Janus 1.0) to where they are pressuring. Then move it to your remote when you have a scoring window.
  3. Another great thing is not having to worry about having enough money to score an agenda. Drop it with enough money to rez what is necessary to keep the runner out. Then pull it back in before your next turn (gaining the rez cost) and score it out.


Geothermal Fracking - Needed 2 more points and the burst economy from GF is amazing when you really need it.

Hostile Takeover - Popping one of these early is crucial to getting your big ice up and running. Needed for Archer as well.

NAPD Contract - Works too well in a fast advance situation. Continues to work well late game when you have your glacier ice to get through first.

Priority Requisition - Great 3 pointer for Blue Sun.

Project Atlas - Must include for SEA Source Scorched combo. Also great for if you need one more Hostile Takeover to win the game.


Jackson Howard - Great for agenda overflow and finding your combo pieces once you've hit match point.

Private Contracts - Fits perfectly with Blue Sun. A lot of times you can just drop it in your scoring server as a decoy. If they trash it, no big deal. If not you can make some money while you dig for Agendas / Combo Pieces. Then pull it back into HQ when you see a window. Adonis works well too, but the extra trash cost + no influence makes Private Contracts amazing.


Hedge Fund - Econ

Restructure - Econ

Oversight AI - Great economy card for Blue Sun. Oversight the big ice, then get the money back next turn. Oversight is also great for getting an early Archer out if you want to score quickly and know they can't get through it.

Scorched Earth - Auto-include

SEA Source - I've test both this and Midseason Replacements and SEA Source works so much better for my play style. For me, the goal isn't to flatline and if the combo pieces come up or I get an agenda counter or two SEA Source is much easier to play than Mid-Seasons

Targeted Marketing - My local meta is big on currents so I've got to have one or two included. This is a great to get some cash against common cards. If you get it early, call out Plascrete. Or something you know will be played based on common strategies.

Paywall Implementation - Another current. Desperado for corp.


So the general makeup I've found that works is having 3 or 4 big rez ice to use with Oversight AI. If you have too many though, you can be really vulnerable early. If you don't get any cheap ice or econ cards early on drop a 4 or 5 cost ice on centrals and recoup next turn and drop it again til you've got enough money to move on.

Curtain Wall - Great for Oversight AI.

Hive - Good barrier for early game, but it eventually becomes worthless. A lot of decks have too many of these things. Pull it back in HQ at that point.

Ice Wall - Cheap ETR.

Enigma - Cheap ETR Code Gate

Tollbooth - Works well with Oversight. Move it around based on where the pressure is. If they try to femme it, pull it back in and put it back down.

Archer - Got to have a couple of these in every Weyland deck. It's Weyland's best card (next to Scorched) and it keeps runners scared of the face check.

Caduceus - Cheap Sentry ETR that can make you some money as well.

Data Raven - Way too effective when the risk of Scorched is out there. Put it on HQ if you're worried about Account Siphon or R&D if they've got you locked. Best part is you can move it around as you need.

Janus 1.0 - Great because it can really catch a runner off guard. The only issue with it is it can be too easy to break after you Oversight AI it and they know what they need. This is more of a surprise card than anything else.

Grim - Another surprise ice.

Taurus - For taking out their plascrete.

30 Jan 2015 Vanadium

"One thing I like to do early game is drop it with another piece in front of it so they can't just femme it."

This is unnecessary. If they bypass using Femme's ability, the ice is not trashed because the subroutines were not broken.

30 Jan 2015 jfaulkner8

You're right, thanks Myth. I was playing that incorrectly.