Silent Chaos

Hapless Hero 35

I've been experimenting with Shaper stealth, running this breaker suite out of the likes of Kit and Hayley. But so far, the most efficient and reliable runner I've tried has been Chaos Theory. Thanks of course to Warpstoned who provided the original, highly successful deck. The changes I made are what I feel only minor improvements to an already solid base.

Let's talk about the updated suite first. Refractor and Switchblade allow you to practically walk into servers for free once you have a Ghost Runner up and hopefully some recurring stealth from Lockpick, Silencer, and 3 Cloak. Switchblade is generally superior to Dagger and allows you to waltz past major sentries like Ichi 1.0, Archer, Gutenberg, and Architect. Dagger can be an acceptable in-faction replacement though, especially if you find yourself hurting for stealth credits to feed Switchblade. Refractor is simply one of the best decoders in the game, and Corroder...well, let's just say that BlacKat makes me super sad. If anyone out there with a role behind-the-scenes is reading, Shaper could really use a fracter analog to Dagger and Refractor.

Chaos' +1 means once you pick up your Astrolabe you're never hurting for room to install. 40 cards means you quickly draw everything you need, with 3 SMC and 1 Clone Chip to help things along. The econ is a nice combination of burst for early installs, Daily Casts for that nice drip, and Kati Jones for big late-game runs.

Legwork, Film Critic, and Feedback Filter are replaceable depending on your meta. They could easily become some combination of Scrubber, Clot, Plascrete Carapace, Levy AR Lab Access or Clone Chip...

Running this deck requires that you carefully time your runs. You don't want to faceplant into stacked Sentries with fewer than 4 stealth, for instance. Ghost Runners therefore should be carefully conserved. Generally use regular credits instead of stealth where you can (Corroder, Refractor) unless you know you won't be needing your recurring stealth any more this turn, then feel free to spend that first. Ghost Runner credits should be saved for big multi-run turns when you smell blood, or as a last resort. Count carefully before every run: being short a single stealth credit can mean the game.

This deck sets up super quickly and from there you just have to run smart. You should be able to hit high-value servers before the corp can do anything about it, trash assets with your ample "real" credits, and steal those juicy agendas.

Happy hacking! Suggestions and other comments are very welcome.

Addendum: My ideal Stealth Fracter has 2 1 cost, 1 strength, and abilities

  • 1: Break barrier subroutine.
  • 1: +3 strength. Use this ability only by spending a credit from a stealth card.
24 Nov 2015 Hapless Hero

I've been trying -1 Symmetrical Visage, +1 R&D Interface and I am not missing it yet, though the stronger sub might be several The Maker's Eye or even some Clone Chips for that extra security blanket. I almost never need Clone Chip though, so I am not sure on this one yet.

24 Nov 2015 Feisty

Your foundation looks solid, I would only recommend the following changes.

-3 Lucky Find. You have a solid enough econ without spending the influence.

-3 Dirty Laundry. Again, your econ is great and it's not that valuable of a card in your rig.

+2 Clone Chip. Trashing is easy now and you'll need them.

+1 Silencer. Assassin is super popular.

The last 3 influence can be used any way that tickles your fancy. a couple Career Fair, Utopia Shard, another Legwork... whatever floats your boat.

Looking forward to hear how it goes!