Miss Beckman & the Starlight Effect

fs1973 57

With this deck my main focus is to put ASAP #Rachel Beckman and #Starlight Crusade Funding in play. With this i'll be able to maintain my 4-click turn and i'll also be able to play those powerfull double effects without having to spend 2 clicks. This way i can put several double events like #Hostage that will help me tutoring connections; #Lawyer Up that enables me to wipe out the tags left behind by #Account Siphon; #Lucky Find that grants me 6 credits with one click only; #Planned Assault that lets me tutor my run events like #Account Siphon, #Inside Job and #Legwork; and finally #Power Nap a tremendous economy burst card that will benefit from all these double events played and ultimately could give me 16 credits with one click :)

All these cards have obvious synergies and theoretically can provide me with tons of options.

Alongside, i'll be playing #BOX-E which will add 2 MU to my 4 base MU and give me the ability to install #Overmind with 6 power counters on it. Also i'll be installing #e3 Feedback Implants to save some power counters.

On the economy side of the game, i have plenty economy burst cards like #Lucky Find and #Power Nap and also #Bank Job, #Compromised Employee and good old #Kati Jones. Compromised Employee is also here to help me with traces that could potencially make me loose Rache.

The most important thing, and also, the most dificultthing to do in this deck is to be able to install in the first two turns of the game both #Rachel Beckman and #Starlight Crusade Funding. For this reason i chose #Andromeda, because the 9 card initial draw is a big step towards this goal, and also #Hostage should be quite important to tutor any of them. Rachel is expensive as hell, so you'll also need #Lucky Find in your initial hand. In 9 cards i'll need both Rachel and Starlight, or at least one of them and a hostage and also Lucky Find. What are the odds?

I'll be testing this deck next weekend, but still, any thoughts will be appreciated.

25 Nov 2014 Bananifier

I think you'll unfortunately have a hard time without multi-access on R&D, but I could be wrong. It might even be worth it to switch a double (Lucky Find, Power Nap) for a single The Maker's Eye.

Also, I hope you're not too mad about your mishaps with the markdown references ;) You actually need to click on the card to select it from the list (or navigate with the up/down arrows and press 'enter'). The card is then included like this : [The Maker's Eye](/en/card/01036, with a closing parenthesis after the card number. The preview text should hopefully help you in the future.

25 Nov 2014 cjbriley

Just making sure you're aware - Rachel gets blown up if you Siphon, even if you clear the tags right after.

25 Nov 2014 fs1973

@cjbriley that's a good point. Never thought of that. Can i use New Angeles City Hall to counter that? Or i could switch Account Siphon for Running Interference or Dirty Laundry.

@Bananifier Yes i was mad indeed. I don't now why but the drop down menu just didn't appear :)

25 Nov 2014 x3r0h0ur

I think you should drop siphon unless you're strictly using it to gain enough cash to find Rachel otherwise she's toast if you siphon. If she's more important, I'd consider running opus or something...if you're clearing tags, tri-maf works as a good opus stand in, and opens up calling in favors for 4-5cr per play. Maybe -3 siphon +3 trimaf...with plascretes/crash space(never thought I'd ever type that).

25 Nov 2014 x3r0h0ur

Also, Ghook looks really good with this breaker package, saves a faerie, and works with E3...saves a lot vs RP when it is present, and can help beat blue sun without d4v1d (hook 2 subs and E3 the last). Just another thought.

26 Nov 2014 fs1973

@x3r0h0ur The idea to have a combo deck with Rachel Beckman and Starlight Crusade Funding seemed pretty fun, but the Account Siphon issue makes me reluctant to go ahead with this deck. Nonetheless, for argument sake, i would drop Account Siphon and add Running Interference or Dirty Laundry. Grappling Hook is indeed a nice addition :)

I've already started a new Andromeda: Dispossessed Ristie deck based on extra clicks with based on Doppelgänger, Rachel Beckman and Autoscripter. I'll be posting it later on :)