Vitruvius's De Architectura, 2nd place italian national

b4ralai 1154

The deck is pretty much a straight hybrid HB, with some changes helping it facing the heavy noise meta.

Card Analysis: -Agenda- Pretty obvious choice. I still prefer Priority to Hades and Utopia fragment because i want to improve my board state. Vitruvius is the MVP of the deck. In italian national i ALWAYS overadvance for 1 or even 2 tokens, wich open me lot of dirty tricks like FA priority or use noises's mill as a tutor.

-Assett- Nothing to say there, advertisement money.

-Upgrade- Ash standing as last defence in scoring server, Caprice ALWAYS protecting R&D (the only server you cant really control). BBG and CVS self explayining and tricky. They can disguise as agendas in lategame and force the runner to waste money.

-operation- Nothing much to say.

-ICE- Following Gabriele Arra's advice i added 2 IQ wich, i must admit now, is a great ICE in this meta. Really flexible, and taxing. When top 4 Italian National's Video will be uploaded you will see the power of this piece of ice in action.

Viper is another ice i like a lot, really taxing (except for yog ofc).

Excalibur: a meta call. let it unrezzed until you know you have an agenda installed. Let the runner encounter it and safe the score.

The strategy is pretty much flexible, is a toolbox deck. You can force FA strategy or go glacier, depending on opponent and boardstate.

7 Sep 2015 SlayerCNV

beh it's hard to FA with only 2 biotics and 1 archived, no?

11 Sep 2015 b4ralai

yes, but due to heavy noise meta i turned my strategy into a rushed overscored vitruvius most of times, so I could recover any milled jackson or agendas. That allowed me to recover my biotic from archives really a lot of times, and FA pretty well when needed (mid/late game). 1 time i FA a priority with a single biotic in hand thanks to vitruvius's tokens and 2 times i could put down a 5/3 and go for double biotic the following turn, masking it for a 3/2 in scoring server wich runner ignored since i was always at 4 points.

The point is not following a FA strategy, but be really flexible. You can rush agenda early, defend them in mid, and rush the last points FA in late. You will never run out of possibilities, and you can do really awesome unespected play with this deck