Horse Fever - IKoS2018 winning team

Berzelius 301

This is the deck I piloted at the 2nd Italian King of Serves for the winning team "Turin City Grid". It is named "Horse Fever" because i had the flu during the day of the tournament. It went 4-1.

It's a standard Skorpios rush deck and an evolution of my old one ( ), where Trojan Horse replaced the Hunter Seekers. Since Trojan Horse relies on a trace, i decided to put a Too Big to Fail, to boost the economy.

About the two influence points left: you don't need them. I thinked a lot about adding some cards, most notably Ichi 1.0 and Voter Intimidation but I don't think the would have added some value to this deck. Furthermore, Ichi 1.0 doesn't have and end the run subroutine and that's a bad thing if you want to rush.

Small report: Round 1: vs Sunny (1-0) A really fast match, I created a scoring remote with the only two ICEs i managed to draw during the match and a Marcus Batty and he never checked it, allowing me to quickly score four agendas for the win.

Round 2: vs Valencia (2-0) I managed to get rid of his Paperclip with Ark Lockdown early, so that my barriers stopped his incursions in all of my servers.

Round 3: vs Apoc Valencia (2-1) I rushed 4 points, while he was making credits and installing all his conspiracy breakers and a D4v1d from his hand, always staying up with his money, preventing me from using Trojan Horse. At some point he managed to land an Apocalypse from which I never recovered.

Round 4: vs MaxX (3-1) Trojan Horse and MaxX's ability made a carnage, removing from the game all but one of his breakers. Kudos to my opponent for not giving up and keeping the pressure up until the end.

Round 5: vs Paragon Smoke (4-1) He started well, stealing a couple of agendas and setting a big chunk of his engine and rig down. While locked out from the remote, in which a Marcus Batty eagerly waited for his 1x breakers, he started to build a lot of Turning Wheel counters. Unfortunatly (for him), at some point he decided to run R&D without a fracter down, losing all of his rig to a Tithonium (I love this ICE).

To conclude, this is a really solid deck, with a lot of good matchups and easy to run. People will hate you if you play it.

Thanks to everyone who played and organized this event (Darta in primis) and, of course, to Koga, edobram and Icon, my teammates.