Startup Six-click Deep-dive Sable

Ymbirtt 42

I played this cool deck at an online kitchen table: Taking six clicks per turn was a huge amount of fun, but I kept losing. They also pointed out that it used a bunch of non-startup cards.

I've never built a deck before, but my opponent set me the following challenge:

  1. Make it startup
  2. Include Deep Dive

OK so maybe they didn't actually say it had to be startup, but I don't think I can hold all the Standard cards in my head right now. Anyway....

The first step is cutting out all the illegal cards:

  • 3x Blueberry!™ Diesel
  • 3x Bravado
  • 3x Diversion of Funds
  • 3x Swift (ouch!)
  • 1x The Class Act
  • 2x Bukhgalter

Second, I need to make room for Deep Dive, and given I want to be able to take six clicks in a turn with this thing, I also need to find something to replace the lost Switfts. I figure that Hannah "Wheels" Pilintra is my best option for that. Given that Deep Dive is my new win condition, the old Twinning-based win condition isn't necessary any more, so I can probably present the threat of Deep Diving twice in a game, and possibly even twice on the same turn. That means cutting every other out-of-faction card:

  • 2x Diesel
  • 2x The Twinning
  • 2x Corroder

These cuts leave some gaping holes in the deck - all the diesel is gone, so there's no more card draw, and most of the econ was backed by Bravado and Diversion of Funds, so I'm going to need to get that back in somehow.

I'm also not usually playing against an empty chair, so I need enough tools to keep up pressure before The Main Event. This means I want the resources to be able to run quite regularly - roughly once every turn - hopefully with the flexibility to regularly hit remotes as well as centrals.

I'm hoping that the Pennyshaver, combined with the still very high number of run events, will do enough to keep that possible. Mixing in a third Prepaid VoicePAD and multiple copies of Earthrise Hotel hopefully means I'm able to keep drawing and playing cards while fishing for the good stuff. Combining the VoicePADs with cards like Inside Job and Tread Likely means I'll hopefully have at least one cheap, easy, successful run against a central every turn - hopefully my mark so I can keep the deck moving. Given this, spending that last influence on a Leech is probably a good way to make sure I can actually pull off the Deep Dive turn by accumulating some good value over time.

Poison Vial feels like an odd include. I'm hoping it'll make runs more affordable when they really matter, like when an agenda's about to score or The Main Event is happening. It might turn out to be unnecessary


  • Should I include Debbie? (yes!)
  • Is Shibboleth a better decoder? (yes!)
  • Do I need more disruption like Emergency Shutdown and Forged Activation Order? (probably not)
  • Will Red Team help me with my money problems? (I don't really have money problems)
  • Will Backstitching be better for The Main Event? (probably)
  • I made half of this deck while off work and running a pretty nasty fever. How bad did it actually go? (not terribly)

Having given this a couple of games, some notes:

  • Poison Vial is actually excellent. I put it in thinking that, at worst, it'd be 2 credits to eventually gain 6 credits, kinda like a slow Sure Gamble. This is true, but in fact it's 6 credits coming in at the worst possible time for the corp - it's a Sure Gamble where the credits arrive exactly when you need them.
  • Inside Job is insanely strong - I should move heaven and earth to include 3 copies of it - this deck lives and breathes on successful runs
  • The Earthrise Hotels weren't actually that great - I've got enough clicks in this deck to just draw cards with the basic action. 4 credits and 2 clicks to gain 6 cards isn't that great here
  • I agonised over Wildcat Strike vs Bahia Bands for a while. I figured Wildcat would give me resources eventually, but I probably have enough in here. This deck is built around run events, so let's try Bahia Bands.
  • There's probably room for a copy of Backstitching. It feels like the deck can threaten to pummel the corp into submission in the early game if they don't burn credits locking down centrals. If they do, the deck instead threatens a devestating Wheels/Deep Dive/Deep Dive turn in the late game - Backstitching fits in with that lategame plan

After yet more games with Backstitching:

  • I literally never played backstitching. The click and two credits to install it always feel like they can be better spent just breaking ice - I should probably value a click at around 2 or 3 credits and with cards like Cezve and Leech kicking around, the total cost of 4 or 5 credits is usually enough to just kick down whatever ICE I might use it on. I'll try Emergency Activation Orders instead, since I'm often agonizing about exactly what ICE I'm about to run into, and forcing the corp to rez it or bin it sounds great.