Emerald City

gumonshoe 2987

This is a taxer designed to hurt the common breaker suites. Colossus, Fully advanced Mausolus, Wormhole, & Asteroid Belt are all reasonably costed ice that can become very hard to deal with and have huge upside when you advance them (ideally with priority construction, but optionally with dedication ceremony)

The goal here is to make the garbage breakers garbage, costing min six to get through common ice.

  • Mausolus - 9 to break all, probably 6 and you gain a cred
  • WormHole - 9 to break
  • Archer - MK Ultra (12 to break fully)
  • Collossus - Not'tok 5, but easily more; Mk base 6, but easily 9 or more
  • Hortum - just there for the turtle
  • Spiderweb - 3 is repetitively good vs paperclip with all of the other ice, and this is better than bastion when lady is in use
  • Asteroid Belt - 5 from paperclip is stellar
  • Ice Wall - It's nice to have something cheap to rez and you can advance in a pinch if you really want to.

Trick of Light & Audacity help close games you might otherwise lose, but the FA is hardly the point in this deck, it's merely an option.

This game tends to lose games out of either HQ or R&D

Tech Executive Bootcamp & Project Atlas are your indexing protection. Fastrack helps break the lock. I've thought about going up to 2, but I'm not sure it's worth it. Honeyfarm & Spacecamp & Pubic Support allow you to force the runner through the remote; but the first two provide minor benefits by sitting in archives making runs there not appealing or disincentivizing runs on HQ. Not that that should stop anyone from running on HQ, but it does a bit. Biased Reporting: Best cash card in the game right now. When your opponent goes for a wide board, you can more effectively establish a glacier to challenge it. Dedication Ceremony: Crucially pumps Colassus, but this can also be used to fully advance oaktown in a single turn so that you can score a 2nd agenda or set it up when a rush opportunity is around. Or, if you need to give Mausolus the lock, that's fine too.

Decks weak to:

  • Geist: Try to rush before he can setup and close with FA as he won't have any other options. He'll have too much money to really lock out, but you'll have plenty of Biased Reporting money. Worst bit is the R&D spy cam, so hold your boot camp & atlas tokens if you've bled early game agendas.
  • Maw&Friends: Maw isn't particularly difficult as you can play off the top of your deck and slam things right into the remote. BUT, there are some games you just lose to this set of cards. You won't be playing FA in this game and you might be a bit light on ice if you can't get them out early to protect centrals.

You can lock out the turtle decks. And opus decks tend to spends all of their cash too quickly vs this deck.

Every game is a challenge, but if you don't come to the table with a solid runner this will walk all over you.