Darwin and Me

david_annable 161

The idea behind this deck was not inspired by a deep analysis of game mechanics, a desire to win epic matches at worlds, or even a love of a specific faction or ID.
Nope - this deck came from the fact that my son's name is Darwin and my name is David.

From there, I started wondering how these two cards would work together and what a deck would need in order to make them work. Some key thoughts are:

  • Darwin at Strength 4 does everything that D4vid can't do (except Swordsman). E3 Feedback Implants is an obvious match for both cards.
  • Darwin can be hurried along with Surge and The Personal Touch.
  • A Mimic and a Corroder are probably a good idea because of Swordsman and Wraparound. Don't want to waste those D4vid counters on wraparounds when they're so ubiquitous in NBN.
  • Medium for R&D dig also gives another target for those Surges. Throw a couple of Legworks in for surprise factor.
  • Cyberfeeders help with econ. Otherwise, rely on Kati/Dirty Laundry/Liberated Accounts.

Originally, I was fitting 2x Fester in this deck but I just don't think it's worth it. Even with both out, more often than not the corp can afford the 4 bucks. Their efficacy seem pretty situational.

As always, feedback is welcome!

12 Oct 2014 karmaportrait

If you're putting in Personal Touch then a Yog isn't a bad idea since it's only 1str away from Lotus Field.

12 Oct 2014 esutter479

If you've got Corroder and Mimic in to deal with certain problem ICE, I think it'd be a good idea to shove the Legworks aside in favor of 2 Special Orders. It would be painful if your needs happened to be on the bottom of the deck with no way of accessing them.

12 Oct 2014 xxb0ws3rxx

Love it ! It seems solid , do you think you need 3 e3? Maybe two would be enough . Add a legwork . -1 medium and add 1djin . Maybe you dont need mimic and corroder add 2 sucker . Only my thaughts ! enjoy man

13 Oct 2014 ellonellanfair

With a djinn, nerve agent, grimoire, plus surge, you've got a legwork already. I concur with the Special Order. You can drop an e3 for another personal touch (or better yet, try Trade-In. You can also drop a Darwin for an extra Djinn, since djinn tutors darwin up anyway. Drop a medium for a Nerve Agent.

20 Oct 2014 rickalp

This is very similar to a deck I've been playing on OCTGN. I'd say it's winning % so far is less than 0.200 which is less than ideal to say the least. The Darwin/D4v1d combo can be great when it works and I really want construct an ideal deck around it. The problems I've been having are:

1) Bad luck with draws -- if I don't get Darwin out early, the game is over when it starts.

2) Corps are always pretty willing to cash in a turn to wipe Darwin, cutting me off at the knees late in the game.

I love the addition of e3 Implants and will be stealing this idea from you accordingly. Do you think adding Crypsis or three would be better than a full suite of breakers? That's what I was thinking of trying next. One other backup breaker I've been experimenting with is Knight, but the Corps are also pretty willing to just trash the ICE it's installed on. A virus wipe plus trashing Knight requires at least a few turns to recover from and it can be pretty maddening.