Tenin test

x3r0h0ur 8956

I have serious doubts about the viability of Tennin as an ID right now. I believe when currents are a thing, the ID will sky rocket in value, given the taxing run related currents that can be imported.

The goal here is to secure down the centrals RD and HQ mostly. Eventually shocks and ShiKyus make their way into archives (after they fit slots in the shell game). Them being there turns SnM on as a big pain in the ass.

Throw down every asset/agenda you draw, preferable 2-3 at a time. If the runner doesn't run, drop the counter on an agenda, and triple advance it out on your turn.

If you don't have assets out when the runner doesn't run, you can trick of light out an agenda off an ice with counters on it.

Philotic can sit out on the table until the runner has some ShiKyus and other agendas in the score area totaling what it would take to kill them.

Possible problems: Runners might nut up and run all over you, in which case, start building a remote and go back to netrunner as jinteki

Economy might be light. Ice is a little big, but it is all painful to run into, which should allow you to put free counters down.

Possible adds: plan B, to work with the free counters, as a ToL battery, but it's marginal so its tough to include while constructing. Mushin no shin is an interesting add, but the goal is never advance, so its 100% bluff to do it.

Thoughts? How do we make this ID good?

29 Apr 2014 Ber

The never-advance strategy seems well supported by the array of devastating non-advanced ambushes now available, and seems like it could be cool in with this identity.

I'm not sure how Mental Health Clinic fits into this deck, wouldn't +1 hand size really work against this deck? Let alone having an asset out that the runner can run on to shut down the identity ability.

There are some other cards that come to my mind as possibly a good fit for this identity & deck:

  • Zaibatsu Loyalty: protect the shellgame if they start running expose (which surely will happen a little in response to H&P). Would often use its trash option to pay for the expose prevention, to prevent it sticking around as a 'free run' remote.
  • Hokusai Grid: can be used as another installable ambush, and if runner thinks they can avoid trashing it to make a server to run later, start installing new agenda/ambushes in the same server. Also always nice on centrals.
  • Archived Memories: to pull back ambushes, Zaibatsu or Hokusai Grid. Better than Interns here because we want to play shell game with them again, or maybe (Shi.Kyu) actually want to keep it in HQ.
  • Jackson Howard: another way to get more mileage out of ambushes that don't work from Archives. Also, can rez and trash when run to make that run not a successful run, wasting the runners click.
  • Yagura: one or two of these could be decent cheap R&D defence, since there is 5 ambushes that trigger from R&D, and not too much else that can be trashed (or in the case of Shi.Kyu you often won't mind it getting trashed)
  • Shiro: maybe another good defense option with the number of ambushes? The re-arrange top 3 cards option could help with deck consistency too?
29 Apr 2014 Ber

Thought of another one!

What about Shinobi? It can be a punishing ice to actually break, even the traces can be annoying to deal with regularly, and the bad pub is not likely to matter too much against this deck.

29 Apr 2014 x3r0h0ur

I was considering lots of shiro and precog to help make sure the peices come together in the right order, but the econ is bad.

As for MHC, they're unlikely to run and not trash, if they're spending 3 credits, meh who cares? If they're running to stop the counters, then you have to capitalize on it like replicating perfection's ability, its a click tax.

I'm definitely on board with zaibatsu and if I can fit it, hokusai, but it's 2 for a 1 shot, notice how most of my traps are free + psi game.

I could see reclamation order but using a click to draw back 1 card feels out of spirit. I hate to do 1 of as a card that is so...crap if drawn early. I'm already reworking the ice strength down too, it's just a little too pricey.

I'll play with the thoughts, thanks

29 Apr 2014 x3r0h0ur

*archived memories. The last part was about reclamation order

29 Apr 2014 x3r0h0ur

Updated: netrunnerdb.com