SL Snare (7th out of 9 Store Champs GamesHub Edinburgh)

PowerlessCube 284

This deck was built around the idea that Enhanced Login Protocols triggers Seidr Laborities’ ability. I wanted something that would dissuade a runner from running on R&D simply by taking a Snare out of archives, putting it on top of R&D and looking my opponent in the eye and saying: “Do you wish to continue?”.

It wasn’t till I sat down across from first opponent of a local store championship (GamesHub Edinburgh 28/05/17), we both looked at my identity and he said “Oh Seidr Laborities? I’m curious to see how this works.” Smugly I replied, “Yeah it really stings when Enhanced Login protocols is out.” To which, a nearby spectator chimed in: “Yeah, that doesn’t work…”


The only sting that day was the amount of losses I racked up. I later double checked the FAQs and saw the following clarification on Heinlein Grid:

“Q: If the Corp has an active Enhanced Login Protocol, does it trigger the ability on a Heinlein Grid?

A: No. The additional click is spent to initiate the run, and is not spent during the run.”

Without the constant ability to recur operations/snares/good stuff this deck becomes a rather mediocre glacier with a blank identity card. I ended up limping through with 2 wins corp side and (both of which was by the skin of my and some lucky snares), it was like playing with one hand tied behind my back. I finished 7th out of 9...

So, this deck isn’t out there for anyone else to try, I don’t expect any one to ever look at this deck. But for one brief moment I thought I really had something that might be competitive deck.

7/10 would play again.

29 May 2017 TKO

Seider can be really good. Beyoken did a video analyzing it. It's just one of those ideas that works really well when it never actually triggers, and when it does it's just gravy. It's really easy to fall into the trap of jamming it full of triggers that don't actually win you games.

29 May 2017 PowerlessCube

I'll have to find that video - sounds like it would be worth a watch. Thanks for the kind words.

30 May 2017 TKO

Sorry ID's not ideas.

31 May 2017 shanodin

That event wasn't a Store Champ, it was just a GNK.