
SanguineLord 34

This is a WIP, based upon Bleed 'em dry (

I like the idea of Anarch being the faction of destruction, where mere accesses aren't really the idea. With the holy trinity of Eater-Hemorrage-Keyhole, Keyhole runs charge the Hemorrhage and allow for twice the destruction, and the recurring credits from the Cyberfeeders and the Net Celebrity should help keep the actual credit cost of the runs down.

Singularity is your answer to a scoring server. The problem with eater is that a 1-ETR Ice server is all that is required for an agenda to be untouchable. So we have generic breakers to reduce total dependency on Eater, and Singularity can be used on more defended servers to just torch it, sending the agenda to the archive. The reason i have both generic breakers AND singularity is because Singularity is a waste if they are advancing out behind a Quandry, and if they are playing a super-server glacial type deal (looking at you RP), then trashing everything, ice and all, can be really useful. Also Singularity can help thin the ice on R&D to make those Keyhole runs smoother.

Hades Shard is of course your "time-to-win" button. After you've gone through approx 25 cards of the Corp's deck, it might be worth popping the Shard and seeing how many points tumble out.

Femme Fatale is here for 2 reasons. First and foremost her ability to bypass can actually allow for genuine accesses with Quetzal's ability + e3 Feedback Implants combo. if they have Barrier-Code gate-Sentry protecting a agenda, then Quetzal the Barrier, bypass the Code Gate and pump Femme to break the sentry...expensive and janky, but an access is an access. The second reasons, the reasons that inspired me to put her in the deck in the first place is that she is a 2 answer to Swordsman, which should protect your Eater.

The other cards should be fairly self-explanatory. We have the Datasucker to help keep the costs of runs down. You'll be stacking it with every Keyhole run, and every token on it is 1 you save, it also helps combo with Parasite to increase the ice hate. e3 Feedback Implants + Quetzal 4EVER, this might save you a lot of money where you were having to pump Eater to get through that Oversight AI Curtain Wall, and it allows you to face check Wraparounds, Eli 2.0s, Ice Wall, Wall of Static et al. I've Had Worse is limited damage control vs something like PE, but is great as just more draw power. Special Order basically means that you have a 45% chance of seeing either Eater or Special Order to go get Eater in a 5 card draw, and can later be used to fetch Femme or a spare Eater should something unpleasant happen to the first. Plenty of Econ from Day Job, Armitage Codebusting, Liberated Account and Sure Gamble. MemStrips seemed like the best console, given that the Holy Trinity of Eater-Keyhole-Hemorrage takes 4, but with MemStrips, you free up , 1 of which is a regular MU that can be used for Femme Fatale, and the other 2 can be used for every other program in the deck.

I welcome questions, suggestions and alterations to the deck. I am fairly new to making decks and to playing the game (the most real experience I got was at the February 2015 Dark Sphere Store Championship where I....didn't come top 32 XD), which is mostly why i'm publishing, lend your Collective Consciousnessto me, Netrunner Community!

12 Mar 2015 SanguineLord

Welp, looks like I have some corrections to make right off the bat. Firstly, the Net Celebrity got cut, so ignore that bit in the description. Also, Singularity is only on remote servers, so it can't be used to thin ice on R&D. Sorry about that XD