nisei scorch

x3r0h0ur 8956

Eh? Eh? Eh?

3 Apr 2014 bubo

I'm wondering about the effectiveness of Subliminal Messaging here. Can you elaborate on your play strategy for this build?

Subliminal Messaging recurses when the Runner does not run, but you are forcing the Runner into running with Chairman Hiro and Sundew. This just feels like it would be inefficient and may be better replaced with Jackson, Hedge Fund, or Interns (or my preference would be Mushin No Shin once he's released).

I'm a little worried about tagging the Runner to play Scorched Earth. The Cerebral Cast is a very fun card, but it looks like it's your only source for tags here. Am I missing something? I'm looking at your Psychic Fields and wondering if they would be better replaced with Snares in this deck.

I only have one concern with your ICE suite here. Komainu and Tsurugi are easily broken sentries, but I only see a single Inazuma bolstering them up. Bullfrog is fun, but can be tricky to use more than once. Would this deck be better served with either more Inazuma or some Chums to support your Sentries?

Also, is the ICE strong enough to protect Chairman Hiro?

3 Apr 2014 bubo

I also meant to ask if more Shinobi's would fit in this deck, despite the Bad Publicity.

3 Apr 2014 guinea_pig

I like the concept here! One thing I noticed was that your economy may not be able to support the big ice that you have. Snowflake and Bullfrog are obviously must haves. WoT is fine, but again, a little on the expensive side. Inazuma can help either force psi's to go through or to damage the runner with punishing ice, so it's probably fine to keep. Shinobi's BP seems minor, but can really be damaging when running so many psi's (correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you can use BP on psi's). Clone retirement can have the same effect if stolen early on, but can also reverse Shinobi's BP if scored, so I'm kinda on the fence about Shinobi. Tsurugi and Komainu could work, if you can afford them.

As for the economy itself, you really don't have enough stopping power to prevent a runner from killing a sundew early game, which is when you really need those creds. The only other thing you really have is Celebrity Gift, which I think may severely hurt your strategy if you show off a scorched.

I do like, though, how the cerebral cast is backed by Chairman Hiro/ other damaging cards AND scorched earth. Choosing the BD kills you; choosing the tag kills you.

Personally, I would cut the archived memories, as I'm not too sure of their place here. I would put in maybe Shadow to help a) potentially give tags and b) potentially give you money. Maybe use the extra influence for another scorched, or for economy like beanstalk, GLC, or something else. Additionally, with a few small adjustments, I think this could also be very strong with Personal Evolution instead. Also, the Idea of cerebral cast & scorched earth might transfer well over to Cerebral Imaging - not sure, but I think it would be cool to try.

Just my 2 cents :)

3 Apr 2014 x3r0h0ur

Hiro only gets rezzed when needed, or behind an inazuma'ed shinobi. Its not the finest plan, but its worth trying out. He has less risk than most because his benfit applies on the runners turn, if you turn him up, then you can make them discard, then trash him with an install on your turn if you don't just up and kill them.

Casts are the only tagging mechanicsm, but they're supposed to be recurred over and over to inflict brain damage, which works with the rest of the net damage ice.

Subliminal messaging is in the deck to make them run, because only when they run can you cerebral casts them. Its a damned if you do, damned if you don't build.

However, I forgot that I took jackson out, I wanted to have 3 jackson 3 archived memories, but that hurts the SE count...I'm not sure which is best. I definitely need to recur Cast as often as possible though, and make it worth while if they take the tag.

Should do as many AM and JH as possible...maybe I'll rejigger it.

4 Apr 2014 parasitetwin

2 JH + 2 AM perhaps?