Ooh no DDoS, Trace?

mcg 1062

The working title for this deck was "insert tortured DDoS pun here". I think I covered it pretty well.

If everyone was gonna be on Titan Transnational: Investing In Your Future, I figured the best tech was 3x Wanton Destruction. If everyone was gonna be on Asa Group: Security Through Vigilance, I figured the best tech was 3x Apocalypse. How many of each did I face? Exactly zero.

But even without the intended match ups, the deck faired really well. It lost two games. One where I foolishly stole a Bellona on an Apoc run that I then couldn't afford to finish, and then the board state spiralled out of control. The other to Guy's tricksy Jemison Astronautics: Sacrifice. Audacity. Success. deck, where I grasped defeat from the jaws of victory when I really should have won.

My best play of the day was playing a Wanton Destruction for two clicks to successfully knock a Punitive Counterstrike out of hand, and still leave a click to steal a City Works Project and not die. The other highlight was installing Maemi the turn before an Apoc run so that I could get my credit back. That's just value.

I really want to give it a spin against Asa. I don't think that should be too difficult in the coming weeks. Congrats to Chris Ferg!