Ice Eater Kim

Airigoniel 66

I have been intrigued by the concept of an ICE killer deck for some time now, and this is my most successful stab at it thus far. Basically, DESTROY ALL ICE. Along the way, you will win the game.

The deck has an absurd amount of trashing, and aims at never letting the corp get a good foothold, keeping the board completely ICE-less while hammering R&D until the game is over. I found in play testing that usually, the corp can manage to ICE up their centrals in the start of the game and start to feel safe, before you've found your pieces. Once you have, all the ICE goes away and never comes back.

Troublesome ICE Worth Mentioning

Lotus Field: We kill it with Spooned.

Swordsman: We kill it with Parasites, preferably instant-speed, but it is not that big a deal to see Darwin die. We can recur it.

Architect: Whatever. Let the corp play its cards for free. We will still access R&D and we will still trash and steal until we win.

As you are hammering away at R&D, you will be trashing every card you see until you find an agenda. Thanks to this, and our ability to freely farm R&D, we will win pretty quickly, and the corp will not really have any way of getting back into the game once we establish our dominance.

Obviously, if we do manage to keep the board ICE free, the game is ours (unless we're facing a Jinteki PE deck, but I've Had Worse together with Operation trashing is usually enough to handle that), so the big question is whether we can successfully get to that point. Versus slower corp decks, this isn't that hard, as they will take a few turns to get set up, and we will take that time to deploy the small rig we need, reset them back to square 1 and keeping them there. Against faster decks, we need to hurry a bit more, but on the other hand, they usually have a lot weaker ICE, meaning that your Parasites will have an easier time killing them.

I would love to hear your feedback!

7 Jul 2015 Riley

No economy and tomorrow sets of threes.

7 Jul 2015 dante77

Check my deck and try how really eat ice ;)