Perhaps More Naughty Than Nice

Fox Ex Machina 233

Based on tacullu's "Nice or Naughty" decks.

The concept is simple: only run on the Corp using Blackmail, and they can (usually) never rez ice.

Play Aesop's Pawnshop, New Angeles City Hall, and Activist Support. Prevent your tag; Aesop the Activist Support away after the Corp has taken their Bad Publicity. This guarantees that you can Blackmail to your heart's content.

With Same Old Thing and Levy AR Lab Access, you can potentially Blackmail 18 times in a game—though, hopefully, you won't have to.

This is the version that I'm testing now; I've added Mr. Li, Kati Jones, and John Masanori to help with economy and card draw. Hostage allows me to run only one of each (as well as only one copy of The Source to deal with Fast Advance decks).

Economy in the deck is sparse: Sure Gamble is supported by Magnum Opus and Kati Jones. In testing, this is enough.

Crypsis is in the deck to help in the rare situation where the Corp can rez ice (say, through scoring an Accelerated Beta Test). Deus X is to protect against Jinteki traps.

Adding the Hostages means I have to lose out on HQ Interface, but I'm not sure where I'd free up more influence.