The Foundry Twins Damaged my Brain! (v0.1)

vor_lord 194

Here is my brainstorm on a Foundry Twins deck.

The basic idea is to set up a kill using a combination of brain damage and Neural EMP. EMP should be a surprise in HB even if the Twins aren't.

Agenda choices:

  • Accelerated Beta Test is almost an auto-include in Foundry, since the ID ability will protect you from trashing an agenda. Also, given the high cost ice, scoring one has big benefits.
  • Project Vitruvius A 3/2 with a very useful ability when overscored
  • NAPD Contract Not entirely certain on this one, but the deck has no intrinsic bad pub and taxing is good.
  • Utopia Fragment If you score it, awesome.

One of the ideas I had was to create "must run" servers without risking an agenda. I toyed with the idea of Eliza's Toybox and Reversed Accounts, but ultimately settled on Shell Corporation. The twins combo requires money and setup with all this big ice.

Use a failed Cerebral Overwriter to protect a Shell Corp, maybe building your scoring server there. Once there are enough credits there and your Twins is also installed with an appropriate piece of ice, clear it, install and advance an agenda (over the top of the overwriter). The runner must be able to handle encountering the ice multiple times.

I have 3 copies of most of the ice so that I have the possibility of a double Twins trigger. I'd really love someday to have a Janus out unrezzed, one in hand, and one in R&D. Triple Janus shenanigans! It also helps because your ability only fires once per turn. The good part is that even Viktor is pretty bad to facecheck early -- for 7 I can force them to encounter it twice, early game if the cards are there. I've considered using Viktor 1.0 instead of 2.0 to make this early hit possible.

Other possibilities:

  • Eliza's Toybox (mentioned above)
  • Fenris This could be great if fired early, but rethink the NAPD contracts if using it.
  • Domestic Sleepers. I've got quite a few 3/2 agendas and right now have to score 4 of them without any fast advance.
  • Biotic Labor see above

Weaknesses I've thought of:

  • Valencia and Blackmail. This is one reason I wanted to go for toybox.
  • Eater. Hopefully the ice is taxing enough. The Twins can go on centrals and set up a kill there just as well. Previous ideas had Wraparound and/or Swordsman. If you suspect it, ice up HQ and R&D.
  • Leela. Another reason to use Eliza's. Maybe that's the better version!
19 Feb 2015 HeWhoLaffs

I played against a version of this deck last week. No joke, I had to encounter Janus 1.0 four times in one run. Sitting on 26 credits, I decided first click to Keyhole R&D, the Corp rezzed Janus, I got by it for 10 credits using Eater, the Corp rezzed The Twins, discarding the copy of Janus he just got from The Foundry: Refining the Process ability, forcing me to encounter Janus again.

Paying another 10 credits to get by, the Corp then uses one of his two Project Vitruvius counters to get Janus back from his Archives, discarding it to force me again to encounter Janus, which at that point I didn't have enough money to break the subs, I clicked through all but one brain damage sub. Spending his last Vitruvius token, I had to encounter it for a fourth time, which I ate 4 more brain damage.

After all that I was still alive, but having a hand size of zero really sucks. Ultimately I ended up losing anyway, but I was still able to keep it a very close game for a long time.

20 Feb 2015 vor_lord

I tried this out for the first time tonight at the LGS. I had a terrible start (i.e. couldn't find hardly any ice), putting me down 6-0 in short order. I did get my Shell Corporation up and running on turn 3. It was protected by a double advanced Cerebral Overwriter and proceeded to supply me with steady econ to get the credits I needed for the combo.

As my notes indicated, Blackmail is a big problem. If the whole point is to rez nasty ice and use The Twins, you have to be able to rez the ice! It got much worse once he used two Investigative Journalism and put down Itinerant Protesters. It's very hard to do a lot when you can't hold much in your hand. Also as the game went on, more ice was trashed and fewer possible targets for my combo were available. I had to ditch my Neural EMPs.

Luckily for me my opponent was inexperienced, and not aggressive enough. I managed to cycle my agendas and score an Accelerated Beta Test since he was out of Blackmail and digging. I hit a Janus 1.0 and suddenly my scoring server was a real thing, and I could keep cards in hand.

Spurred into action he started running w/o Blackmail, and faceplanted into my second Janus (over R&D). D4v1d and a decent pile of credits wasn't enough for double Janus, and he ended up with 3 brain damage.

Reclamation Order for 3 Neural EMPs (face down since he hadn't seen them), and there was nothing he could do.

My next opponent obliterated me 8-2 (yes, he was running with Leela Patel: Trained Pragmatist). So my two identified weaknesses really are weak. I might try the version with Eliza's Toybox.