LOYALTY. (3rd UK Nats 2022)

Whiteblade111 3039

Tell me who you loyal to

Is it money? Is it crim? Is it shaper? Is it anarch?

Is it comin' down with the loud pipes in the rain?

Big chillin', only for the power in your name

Tell me who you loyal to

Is it love for the decks when the lights get dark?

Is it unconditional when the boat don't start?

Tell me when your loyalty is comin' from the heart

So uh, after worlds all the snarebears were basically like "this deck isn't tournament viable, it goes to time, we're going to stop playing it". I wanted to keep working on it..

I think we were wrong. This deck continues to be busted as hell and lit as fuck

You actually don't go to time. You can play fast enough that you don't hit time. You've got good matchups across the board, and no one knows the matchup. People don't respect you and don't play tech. Even when they do play tech, we have good counterplay.

Enforcing loyalty can target hunting grounds, and if they don't have hunting grounds, you can target boat in crim and anarch matchups.

I played this deck to a win in a 27 person event in seattle, and to a 3rd place finish at UK Nats. Deck absolutely slaps. Shout out to snarebears/process people for helping me with a bit of tuning. I'm gonna keep repping this deck until they ban loki.

I'll do a deep dive with Ysengrin on how to play/beat this deck. Thanks for reading!

29 Nov 2022 Council

Good Kid Mad Meta

I still think it's too slow :) Most people don't know how to play against AG, which pushes them into the tank without malice too often for me to want to bring it.

Nice performance either way

29 Nov 2022 ilksvorbern

Loving the song, and was great to meet you at the weekend. Congrats on the finish - would have loved to see this in the finals!

1 Dec 2022 anarchomushroom

if loki gets banned im quitting netrunner and im blaming you