Rogue Dummy Surveillance

greyfield 3917


This deck is bad but really fun. As you might surmise, the goal is tag-me Counter Surveillance, fueled by Rogue Trading. The key card is Dummy Box, which in concert with Laguna Velasco District allows you to go tag-me with impunity (Wireless Net Pavilion doesn't hurt), take money off the Rogue Trading without fear it'll get trashed, run Paparazzi over Jarogniew Mercs, and generally move your pieces to the board far more safely.

Scarcity of Resources is a total beating, hence three System Seizures on top of the "Freedom". Mulligan for it if you have to.

3 May 2018 Manadog

Did you ever try something like 2x Mars for Martians replacing 1 of the Rogue Trading? They're awful in your opening hand but if you get a long grindy game they're fantastic. I'm not 100% sure but I think you can fan site them as well since it's still first click?

3 May 2018 greyfield

You can’t Shadow Net an M4M; you’re technically spending the click on the Shadow Net ability, not playing the event. And a big reason for having Rogue is just getting those tags. Rogue Trading plays tons of money, and once you start unloading them you don’t need M4M

10 May 2018 themeanlady

browse decklists

see something goofy

oh i wonder who made this

not at all surprised