First attempt at Reina 'Ice grinder'

Sathoon 17

I'll admit deck building is something I only have a vague clue about at the best of times.

I tend to reach for shapers more often than not, so decided to give Anarchs a go. I adhere to the theory that whoever controls the credit flow, effectively controls the ebb & flow of the game. So this deck focusses on keeping the corp poor and the pressure on to reveal central server ice (particularly HQ), and using Emergency shutdown, krakens and parasites to remove any rezzed ice that's expensive to break and/or irritates me.

But is going so light on icebreakers a smart move? Am I too resource heavy? Slightly more than 49 cards sure, but those extra few cards don't really hurt my draw chance THAT much... Does it?

5 Dec 2014 merrja

First of all - you need to cut down to 45 cards. 53 will hurt more than you imagine. You will struggle to draw what you need when you want it, and find you hand clogged up with cards you don't need.

Secondly - Nearly all your splash is blue. Are you sure you are in the right faction for what you want? Generally, that's a sign to switch Identities.

Thirdly - Pipeline is goddamn awful against anything with more than 2 or 3 strength, and your Mimic does that already. Crypsis is better - although it starts at 0 strength instead of 1, needs virus counters, and has a higher initial investment, it is twice as efficient to pump as Pipeline, and is effective against all types of ICE, not just sentries.

Fester doesn't work in this deck, You have, currently, 7 sources of virus counters. The Corp is unlikely to purge as much as you want, so it can easily be replaced or cut.

I'd recommend this decklist instead (Please ignore the stupid title)

It has all the blue you want, as well as running Kraken and Parasite for the delicious ICE destruction.

Lastly - you are not light on breakers. The problem is that this deck has a lot of bloat, and doesn't have enough draw or search in order to run with a minimal breaker suite. Lots of top-tier decks run 6 or 7 breakers on average, but they make up for that with cards like Special Order, Test Run, Self-modifying Code and Clone Chip to get their breakers out fast, and recur them if they are trashed. Don't be afraid to pare down your deck - more often than not it'll help it perform better.

(If you want to check out some really top-tier decklists, this is a damn good site.)

I'm so sorry for that wall of text. I came off a bit more critical and harsh than what I was aiming for. Anyway. I hope this was of some use to you.

Whether you take my advice or not, just make sure to have fun. That's the most important thing.

5 Dec 2014 Spaceman_Spiff
  • As mentioned above, you want 45 cards. It can be hard to cut down sometimes, but think of it like this: There are cards in every deck that are inherently stronger or more central to your strategy. This is simply true. Every card above the minimum decreases your chances of seeing these cards when you want them.

  • As far as cards I would consider removing or cutting down copies of:

Ice Carver - This card is unique (can only have one out at a time), and isn't central enough to your strategy to be worth including more than 2. Xanadu is in almost the exact same boat, although it's worth more to you early than if you really want to play with it you could include 3.

Fester - Probably not enough viruses for the corp to really be hurt by this. Might make them lose 2 credits once or twice.

Liberated Accounts - Consider switching this for Armitage Codebusting. I know you're not getting back as much per click, but it's so much easier to get out there than Liberated. There are going to be games where you're sitting on

5 Dec 2014 Spaceman_Spiff

blergh blergh, maybe it's just on my side but it looks like half my comment got removed. Well, in the end basically I just suggested that you look at the resource card Same Old Thing and consider checking out the following link for potential ideas on how you might want to build your deck

Don't feel like you have to completely change your deck, but it might give you some things to think about as you build your Anarch decks. Either way, good luck and have fun with Reina!

6 Dec 2014 Sathoon

I feel inclined to agree about the festers: they were new cards at the time for me and the first thing I latched onto was the interaction between the fact I'm using parasites on expensive ICE or ICE the corp doesn't want to see go for what investment Xanadu and Reina have forced them to rez for (like tollbooth or Janus). Pipeline is there if only so I'm not 100% hosed by cheap sentries, as my other ICE affecting cards are theoretically removing ICE that would otherwise be expensive to run against. I can definitely see the value of the good ol' armitage codebusting over liberated accounts, that's another thing I ought to change, and perhaps cut down on copies of Xanadu and ice breaker.

The 'splash' is in Criminal for the very specific reason those cards amplify the impact of Reina and her Xanadu. They came in handy keeping an NBN fast-advance deck on the backfoot (till my AMD drivers and Octgn decided to claw each other's eyes out, again). Account siphon is a bit weird in this deck yeah, but I feel compelled to keep it around for it's ability to help put an overly rich corp back under my thumb. But then that's a lot of influence too.