Exposed Andy

seiya 43

Oh Andy, I love it when you expose ices like that... specially using that Blackguard to force the corp to rez them... yes, don´t stop my dear, you can combine it with your Snitch oh yeah, that´s it!

You can even expose more cards with Lemuria Codecracker to ensure we won´t have a bad time running on a remote server! Furthermore, thanks to the Unscheduled Maintenance we can force the corp to rez an ice knowing they won´t be able to stop us in another server!

You are the best dear...

10 Sep 2014 linuxmaier

Unscheduled maintenance doesn't stop them from rezzing more than 1 ICE a turn, does it? Just installing them.

11 Sep 2014 seiya

Yeah, you are right. What I meant is just that, sloppy me! :) Anyway I think it can combine well with the Blackguard strategy

Any thoughts?

11 Sep 2014 linuxmaier

The Unscheduled Maintenance seems out of place. Blackguard seems more to me like a credit denial strategy, where you force the corp to rez ICE before they're ready so you can run elsewhere when they don't have enough money. Maybe it would be better paired with either more credit denial, or more multi-access (blackguard the ICE up on the remote, then run HQ with Legwork or R&D with The Maker's Eye?)