Break the Bank

ransomman 321

So here it is! The main strategy is to make the agendas so expensive to steal that the runner cries when he sees a one-advanced NAPD contract that is 23 creds to steal (totally possible! though unlikely).

You do this by hopefully having 2 (or 3) red herrings in a remote, a predictive algorithms in play, a pup and/or tsurugi protecting the server (ice is optional, just there for extra tax), and maybe a caprice if it isnt installed in archives. And of course an Agenda. If the agenda is NAPD, awesome. If you have a Utopia fragment scored, and its a double advanced NAPD in the red herrings server.... lol.

Obviously protecting archives is very important to this strategy because otherwise the runner will just laugh at your red herrings and trash them. Having 5 or so face down cards is enough to make the runner not want to get past a pup and then spend 6 just trash a red herrings.

Most of the time I focus on stacking the centrals and leaving the remotes open. Beware of imp and security testing/bank job capitalizing on this. A simple pup should change their attitude on trying to take advantage of your remotes. Also, against anarchs, rez remotes immediately to avoid queens gambit. Jackson need not be protected.

One neat thing with Crick is that you can keep a jackson in the trash if you have too many of him and crick will let you install and use him immediately!

If you are lucky enough to score the Utopia fragment... game over. Its so good with red herrings and predictive algorithm. So good.

My ideal archives server looks something like (from inner to outer) Caprice installed, Lotus field, Chum, Crick, Chum. Stealth cant handle having to use all of their recurring stealth creds of one type like that, and if you win the psi at the end of the tunnel, they cannot make it in again because poor refractor is powerless.

This is all Ideal and I still get wrecked occasionally. Also beware of noise or any deck that looks like it wants to deck you. This deck likes to overdraw a lot, and while it seems like their helping by putting cards in the trash, you will only help them deck you faster by using jackson and anonymous tip to draw. Dump the anonymous tips against noise because he'll do the work for you.

I've lost mostly due to setup time. It can take a little bit to be absolutely protected against account siphon for example. Luckily most of the ice is super cheap so you can bounce back. If you feel like you don't have enough cash, I'd replace Anonymous tip with green level clearance and subliminal messaging with hedge fund maybe.

30 Apr 2015 ransomman

Also, the beautiful thing about Snowflake is that people don't break it! Then you can just drain them mentally and psi-ing them to death.