2 breakers better than 1 (1st@EMEA District)

AugustusCaesar 1799

This is the deck that took down the first online district. A lot more of the win was down to Reg PD being OP, but ari also performed well enough (replays at the end).


2 of each breaker type is the way

Conventional shaper deckbuilding has you playing just 1 of each breaker type, because of the power of smc. But since after worlds, i've been an advocate of increasing that to 2. Lat already kind of did that, playing echelon+revolver and cleaver+propeller. I found that drawing the first copy of each of those was great because it allowed you to cover most combinations when smc-overclock into a 2 ice server, or more aggressively fetch turbine with your smc for maximum efficiency. The logical next step is to play 2 euler, so you play it out and free up your smc for a fracter or killer. I still recommend doing it in Lat if you want to play the deck, but since the Trickshot ban, Lat became significantly slower, so i turned to Ari.

The same concept remains here, and is specially good because we are Ari, so with a backup euler in the deck, it is very nice to ari install the first one and accept loosing it for an important remote contest.

For that reason I also wanted an extra killer compared to the single ika that is more standard in ari, so i moved some influence around to make sure I got that in.

As an added bonus, with extra copies of your temp breakers you can be very aggressive with their use and still never run out (not that it was easy to fight through 3 simulchip 3 muse against leaner ari's, but the extra safety is great)

This also kind of applies to your ice cheating tool, playing a muse for botulus is great, and same with physarum, but they are even more incredible when you draw them, so having 2 is great for increasing the amount of games that happens in.

Turbine is... fine

you can cut it if you prefer, it is definitely awkward with our current MU, you end up having to temporarily sacrifice some breaker of a type and then reset it with chip in the middle of your Deep Dive turns (due to the extra mu of Pichação). But when it is good it is very good, and it is particularly noteworthy for making brann multiple times in a turn practical with propeller.


Because Maemi and Revolver are both really good, i ended up having to end up on just 1 Pinhole, which isnt ideal, but all of the program influence is mandatory, and DJ is important both for grindy games as Steve Cambridge and fast games as Sable. You could just cut maemi for a pinhole, but then its not clear what to do with the extra influence.

A Primer on Spree

Its a sweet card letting you do a lot of things, but the most important is its base case. With spree, Pichação, and 2 Deep Dives in hand, you can:

  • run any ice central and ari in a pich (good idea to have simulchips available to allow breaking efficiently, or alternatively, use simulchip to rebuy a lost Pichação and use Ari to ninja in a trojan)

  • spree another iced central, moving Pichação.

  • run the last server

  • you still have 3 clicks for Deep Dives, allowing for a tripple steal (or double steal with an ikawah)

Note that while assembling this, your hand will get significantly clogged, since you can only hold 1 more card in hand. But this turn is sufficiently powerful enough that its fine to discard a bunch of cards while digging to it.

Other Spree applications

Most of the time you want to save your sprees for the above, but you do have an extra copy so if it is important for the game these are some other things it can do:

  • move a botulus for extra breaking. You usually dont move physarums because its not that much more efficient that paying for normal breakers, but its also possible.

  • saving you ika moving credits. Most relevant during the deep dive turn, since you have 2 spree counters free usually, but also if there is a double Saisentan server it acts like an overclock, which isnt bad.


Round 1 Loss vs Jai on Asa: Turns 7 contains a big strategic mistake by me, the last turn has some impressive 8 points stolen but somehow not enough

Round 4 Win vs. LordGetlander on Ampere

Round 6 Win vs AceEmpress on A Teia

Cut Game Win vs Jai on Asa

1 Mar 2025 HaverOfFun

Sheeeeeesh nice w in the first online District! Even with the loss of the world tree, you can never let them try and spoil the Ari party!

3 Mar 2025 spiderbro

Hey Augustus, congrats on the win! I've been really enjoying this list, but I have to ask - what's your gameplan against asset spam?

3 Mar 2025 AugustusCaesar

@spiderbro smc for fermenter the first chance you get, then mostly let them build up assets, contesting only the most crushing ones, eventually try to deep dive for 6 points (dj sable if they don't ice centrals)

4 Mar 2025 sebastiank

Gratz on the win! Cool to see that oversized spree ari is still popping off post-worlds.