Foundry Never Advance

sruman 132

Hello all,

Enjoying playing with Foundry over the last few weeks and want to explore the ID some more. I have been primarily been using a fast-advance version, but it's not as strong as I'd hope ( get that nagging, we aren't playing NEH feeling). So thought I would try a Never Advance strategy. Hoping to get feedback and additional ideas on improvement.

The basic idea is:

  • Grail ice for foundry synergy coupled with a strong set of taxing bio-roids.
  • Lots of money from asset economy + supporting operations. Assets can bluff as agendas (or vice versa) . Some synergy with architect (and EBC) but generally.
  • Create scoring windows early with fast ice draw or, more usually, tax runner in first 1/3 and then start looking for scoring windows in scoring server backed up by ASH and even or better economy.

Card choices - Chronos project. A 2nd Gila or Director Haas might be a better choice, but frankly, have an unnatural hatred for Noise -- his almost completely solitaire runner drives me crazy -- so this is just a potential screw-you to him.

  • Reversed Accounts, an iffy choice for the influence given how tight its, but might help to create a 1 or 2 turn scoring window (another agenda bluff). Essentially I want to have a way to punish runners that sit and money up ( Noise, Kate, etc. all popular in my meta ).

  • Blue Level clearance. Might not work given how clogged Foundry's hand becomes, but it's just a one-of that might be replaced by peak efficiencys or something (say 3 of them over blue+restructures).

Potential Problems - The ice has a fairly high average cost ( all 18 add to 79 credits, so almost 4.5 creds/ice). The economy cards -- adonis, eve, EBC, operational can spit out alot of money but the asset econ needs to be protect because if lose a couple of those, will be hurting for money. If a problem, 2 thoughts. First, swap out higher-end ice for cheaper (e.g. Viktor's for 1.0's or vipers), ichi's for 1.0's, however this would create a high-percentage of strength-4 ice. D4v1d proof I suppose but atman will tear it up. Or, drop 2 ice, and add more operation econ, hoping that the foundry ability of pulling ice will offset. Risky in early game but would likely be okay from mid-on although do want to keep 2 grail in hand so that can be tricky.

  • Could be too slow for the modern runner and by the time can get to scoring windows, the runners might have too much money to open scoring windows.

  • Only ETR ice are -- grail with galahad in hand. Stacked eli/viktors can be a soft ETR as well but not great as a determined runner can get in with 1 breaker and 1/2 action sacrifices (which they'll definitely do if think is an agenda).

  • Grail ice -- galahad and lancelot can be vulnerable to parasites but ... that's a pretty common problem for ice suites.

Card swap thoughts so far:

  • Get a Daily Business Show or 2 in there. It can really help in mid-game+ to bury the unneeded ice (unless swimming in money, placing those 3rd and 4th ice can be cost ineffective).

  • Another trap or 2. Probably aggressive secretary.

  • Grail out completely for other solid ice to free up influence. But, obviously, that's a quite different deck.

  • Sacrilege I know, but adding 5 cards -- 2 ice, 2 money, agenda -- as a (very soft) counter to Noise mill. I just can't bring myself to go cerebral statics or something (although it might come to that ...).

I like to compare total net money versus total ice cost for a sanity check. Of course, not perfect as still need money for agenda advance, ashes, ice placement, etc. but lets you know if horribly off or something.

Additional Money Estimate (73 creds total) 24 (3 adonis) + 20 (eve) + 4 (EBC' estimate) + 12 (hedge) + 3 (blue) + 10 (restructures)

ICE ( 79 max) Grail: 36 Bios: 9 + 10 + 16 = 35 Arch: 8

   Average cost = 4.4 
   Goal server ice configuration -- scoring = 3, centrals totaling 7 (where depends on the runner and his rig).  So that would be 44 creds.  
15 Dec 2014 CJFM

This looks like a very early version of Foundry that I played a week or two ago. What I found was this: I didn't like the Grail ICE except Merlin, which has the stupid potential to win the game on turn 1 if the runner isn't careful. I think you still rez it even if it doesn't kill because it forces a breaker next time and you can snag a lot of good stuff with it.

Reversed Accounts is mediocre and doesn't work with a 'never advance' strategy. I tried it once, but it became Daily Business Show. That card is extremely good.

Viktor 2.0 is fine in Foundry, and I'm still playing it in my version, but it's hard to have the economic support for both Vik and Merlin. I'd choose one.

Eve Campaign is just kinda ok. I'd rather have Adonis since the ICE is somewhat porous.

Agg Sec is a good choice, I think. I'd try it out! But then, you're probably not doing a 'never advance' strategy.

15 Dec 2014 sruman

Thanks for the comments. You're probably right about the reversed accounts since it would be the only thing I advance in general (to get the 12+ cred drain). Daily Business is pretty great, maybe go to 2 EBC and 1 DBS (or even 2 if drop a lancelot).

What ice spread did you end up without the grails? Figure NEXT might be an obvious alternative but I fear the parasite factor. I suppose the 9 influence can buy you a lot of good ice -- tollbooths, lotus fields, pop-ups, etc.

16 Dec 2014 CJFM

I tried out a few versions. The one I liked with grail only ran two each of lancelot ans galahas and 3 merlin. In that version I also had heimdal amd was in more of a glacial strat.

I thinl next amd grail are both weak to parasite, but I like NEXT better. It might come down to preference.

16 Dec 2014 CJFM

Without grail I ended up with next and vik 2s, eli, and I kept merlin, which is good enough on its own. Think I tried architect and roto and liked roto better for etr.

16 Dec 2014 sruman

Created a version with NEXT, Vik 2.0's, Architect (parasite heavy meta so scared of dropping a roto and getting clone-chip parasited), and tollboothsx2. Will see how that goes.