Scovak Siphon

Prestige 20

Siphon and win, try not to die.

This deck functions very well actually in testing. People leave HQ open against Shaper sometimes in fear of #Indexing. An early Siphon will hurt their early game and let you setup the rig. If you don't one off early you should be able to by the first window they try to take to score. What does feel great about it in play-testing is so many of the runs you make are high impact central runs and very efficient so the threat is very real for them to protect those servers. Corps cannot setup scoring windows when they are scrambling to protect centrals.

6 Nov 2016 dawspawn

What do you think of Astrolabe over Mirror for the extra draw? Your rig is only five programs anyway. Also Beth might not be worth it if your siphon game is working.

6 Nov 2016 Prestige

@dawspawn Yes that's a good idea. I thought Mirror might be nice so I could make multiple high impact runs (IE: Siphon HQ, then Makers eye R&D). 2 Blue Sun games made me think I need a better barrier breaker tho.

6 Nov 2016 Phoenix

Yeah. Inti isn't going to cut it alone. Snowball + Inti I guess?

6 Nov 2016 dawspawn

GS Sherman M3 is my go-to fracter when I see Blue Sun or Next decks. You could cut an Account Siphon and add Planned Assault to get the influence. At that point, though, I may just start looking at Paperclip.

7 Nov 2016 Prestige

+1 Blackstone -1 Inti

Blackstone was better then expected in testing, should have had it in from the start.

-2 Mirror +Astrolabe

Though I like credit replenishment for multiple runs, the Astrolabe provides so much value for 1 and it the rig functions with 5 MU as @dawspawn stated.