Zhaya Talking Thunder - 31st @ EUAF 2021

koga 3001


This is my spin on Zhaya tag me.
You may have seen the similar lists that did well at APAC last week by Whiteblade111 and nbkelly (+bing005 on Ken). Those decks gave me back the drive to play continentals this year, I would've skipped them otherwise because I didn't really find the meta interesting. The game itself is fun to play, but when there's too little room for exploration because the meta seems too one sided or narrow, a big part of what I like in netrunner just isn't there.

In case you're a newer player and have never seen decks like this I'll tell you the gist of it: you just play aggressively and don't care too much if you get tagged. Accumulate tags to then play a big Counter Surveillance for the win. This style is a bit more popular nowadays because kill decks are rare, with a few people playing BOOM! (which you can survive thanks to Obelus). Be careful, Rogue Trading is an important card, so every time you install it you should click it at least once if you're tagged. If you find it super early, it might be good to install it and click it twice to make sure you get the most out of it before it gets trashed. Rip Deal is cute and helps in some situations, Embezzle is fun and helps vs Sports or the occasional NBN deck you might find. I'd like to play 2 copies of it but I'm already at 41 cards and unsure what to cut.

The deck went 4-2, featuring a round 1 game 1 death to Boom turn 3 vs CTM, two wins vs flooded PD and R+, two wins vs Sports 1 and Sports 2 where I still feel I was kinda lucky and a loss vs Asa. I streamed the whole thing (in italian mostly), individual VODs are linked above.

My corp deck for the event is linked here.

Thanks everyone for the good games and sorry for never warning you about the flood inducing superpower I've had for years now. Thanks again to all the people who came say hi during the stream, thanks to Nisei and congrats/good luck to the ones who made the top cut. Thanks to @ALFlex for bearing with me, helping me choose the last slots and generally being a great guy.

Always be Running!

25 Aug 2021 boreira

I have the same feelings about boring meta, even skipped continetals. Also had the same feeling that maybe tagme crim that showed up recetly is some fun to play :)

25 Aug 2021 boreira

narrow card pool is a main problem of this meta in my opinion

25 Aug 2021 koga

Yup, I kind of agree with that, though I'm not sure if it's a narrow card pool or narrow pool of playable cards. Still, I think the pool is gonna get smaller so I'm hoping the cards are gonna be real good :P