
wtchaftcha 21

Hardcore Prof-Jank!!!

Mulligan for Professional Contacts always. It is the most important card in the deck because you will be drawing a LOT. Might as well get credits while you do it.

Use Diesel & Quality Time with FCC to gain cash really, really fast. Install all Clone Chips and run, installing breakers from the heap as you go. This combo is your main money-maker along with Professional Contacts in the early/middle game. Magnum Opus is only there for end-game when you start to run out of steam or for really bad drawing problems. (i.e. 3x FCC with no program early game)

Bookmark helps you keep programs to maximize FCC turns, saves your butt on sudden meat damage, protects your Levy from Red decks, and lets you keep cards before Levying.

Install Trope & Beth as soon as you can. Beth is essentially free clicks, Trope lets you get back used Clone Chips, Sure Gambles, and anything else you threw out in your mad drawing & coding sell-out to the system (lets you get back a Meat/Net Damaged Levy too). I usually pop it on the 6th turn onwards (3x Clone Chip, 3x Sure Gamble++).

Hyperdriver is primarily there to help you set-up quicker, since that is the major weakness of this deck. It is not there for a power-turn with Medium or Nerve Agent, although this is alright in a "Best Possible" scenario. I prefer to save it for turns when I have several Diesels or QTs to increase the chances of popping the FCC at the right time.

6 different breakers just in case anybody decides to be funny and slot ark lockdown. All of them are pretty good in their intended situations.

I usually Rebirth into Kate, especially if drawn in the early game. Smoke would probably be a good choice too. Other notables would be Jesminder for Argus or Yellow decks, & Kit if you have a super-pumped Study Guide.


Paperclip + Scavenge for another breaker/program when you can't find clone chips. Run against a barrier to clicklessly install Paperclip again.

The Toolbox + Study Guide: Toolbox helps in traces and pumps your decoder for free every turn.

Sneakdoor Beta + Nerve Agent. People prepare for Medium but not for Nerve Agent. Abuse this.

Leprechaun + Sneakdoor Beta, Magnum Opus, or Hyperdrivers. Not a super necessary card for your rig but it helps. Worst case it's still money for FCC.

Definitely not a Tier 1 Deck, but generally does alright on Jnet. Wins more than it loses and everyone always remarks that they had a fun time playing against it. Does not do well in the current CTM meta, best bet in this case would be to dig hard for Toolbox.

Net Shield is a pretty flexible slot. Could be swapped for something else, preferably another program to keep the ratio alright. maybe Keyhole or Self-modifying Code although I'm generally not a fan of SMC.

It's 46 because of the 2x Plascrete Carapaces. Just because there's so much Boom! going around now.

4 Dec 2016 aermet69

Love it!

4 Dec 2016 wtchaftcha

Thanks! I've been working on it for quite some time. :D Professor is such a great ID and it needs more love haha.

I drew a lot of inspiration from PeekaySK's Big Girls Play With Monoliths, and Circadia's Swiss Army Fork (which are both pretty fun decks to play as well).