Clones > People v 0.1

Thomas Haas 63

Is playing IG making you into a mechanical, predictable, and incredibly boring person?

Play Nisei Division instead! Rush as fast as possible. Play mind-games. Get paid.

Very first draft of what will probably become an overly involved deck building project.

6 Apr 2016 thesm17

Team Sponsorship? -2 Baliff +1 Biotic +2 Pop-Up?

6 Apr 2016 thesm17


Maybe I should build one of these myself haha.

6 Apr 2016 Badeesh

lol. I was thinking bailiffs and architects could certainly be 2 biotics.

6 Apr 2016 SourSweet

Jinteki Biotech: Life Imagined The Greenhouse. Snaaap at that!

6 Apr 2016 Thomas Haas

@thesm17 Currently processing these adjustments, will let you know how this goes.

Biotic seems tough due to lack of 2/3's, but I think it probably has some interesting interactions with "Clones are not People"

Archer seems really good.

7 Apr 2016 tiedyedvortex

The real problem with Nisei Division is that you're very unlikely to make more money from psi games than Pālanā Foods would make off its ability.

9 Apr 2016 PureFlight

@tiedyedvortex Completely agree that Pālanā totally murdered what minuscule chance Nisei Division had of ever seeing play. Seriously, in what game will you ever play more psy games than turns the runner draws cards?

You would need a Psi version of Sundew or Bio-Ethics where you get to play a Psi game at the start of your turn to get /deal net damage, probably if a certain condition were met (something like: when your turn begins, play a Psi game if the runner didn't run last turn. Deal 1 (2?) net damage if you bet different amounts).

22 Apr 2016 Baitdoll

Palana isn't everytime they draw a card, its the first time. At most your gaining 1 per turn. In the mean time, at most, with Nisei, you can get 3 per turn.

Over the course of the game, you can net more, easily.

22 Apr 2016 Thomas Haas

@Baitdoll: @PureFlight Words their issue with Nisei Division well in that they are comparing # of psi struggles to # of [Turns] the runner draws cards. Which, given most games, is probably fair, the runner (even if they stagger draws) will probably make Palana more money.

But that kind of thinking is missing the point entirely. Nisei division's strength is not in the sheer economic power. If that's the kind of corp you want to play, may I recommend to all you boring haters HB:ETF?

The point of the ID is to add to the runner's stress level when playing psi-struggles, and break their feeble human minds.