The Programmed OmniKey

Sunkain 2

A first deck

I'm a beginner at netrunner, I don't even have all the cards :) But I still liked the concept.

The main breaking mechanic is Dinosaurus + Yog.0 + Kit to break early continuously and cheaply.

Other breakers allow a more diversified role, Lady + Paint Brush allows big surprises, especially with test run. Retrieval Run allows to go for trashed ladies or Omega and Atman is quite versatile depending on the match up

Economy wise, Magnum + Kati are a stable option combined with leprechaun and dyson mem chip to allow a lot of memory. As a program heavy deck Sahasrara allows a stable flow for self modifying codes and other expensive programs. Omega is quite useful against fast advance decks IMHO, allowing to run unprotected server. My main problem would be with a ICE-heavy deck with sentries, but even then Femme Fatale could help along with Lady.

I realise the main weakness here is the lack of defense mechanism against scorched or a Jinteki PE... It probably needs a few ajustments...

Any thoughts ?

10 Apr 2015 Bigguyforyou518

I love Kit and play her a lot - let me give you some suggestions.

Most important thing to understand is "Why should I play Kit instead of Kate?" Similar to Haas-Bioroid: Engineering the Future, Kate "Mac" McCaffrey: Digital Tinker is just an incredibly solid, powerful base identity. You'll find a lot of interesting, creative shaper decks will actually work even better if you just swap the identity back to Kate. She's that good.

I'm not saying Kit is useless - far from it, but you need to understand exactly what you're getting. Once Kate has a full breaker suite out (killer, decoder, fracter), she has officially surpassed Kit in power. This means that Kit's entire advantage is to be able to run extremely early with just a single breaker (a decoder).

So while you should always have a backup plan for your late-game rig, if your Kit deck is designed around the late game, then you're doing it wrong.

Okay, lecture over, let's actually talk about your deck now.

10 Apr 2015 Bigguyforyou518

First thing I see is that you need more decoders. If Yog.0 is going to be your only one, then you should have 3 of them. I usually run between 3 and 5 decoders in Kit, with plenty of ways to tutor them up (like Self-modifying Code). You should also understand what you're getting with Yog. At 5, he's a pretty heavy tempo hit, especially compared to something like Cyber-Cypher. Remember that you don't ever want to be waiting a few turns for a comfortable econ window to put out your decoder. With Kit, you want to hit the ground running. The nice thing about Yog.0 is obviously that it breaks for free, so once it's down, your runs will be cheap. Remember, though, that Kit's ability only works once per turn, meaning that generally she wants to only run once (unless you're hitting servers defended by only code gates). If she's only running once a turn, how many credits is Yog actually saving you?

The Yog.0 / Dinosaurus combo is cool, let me say a few things about it. First of all, with only 2 of each of those cards in a 45 card deck, you cannot always count on having both of them, let alone in the correct order (Dino down then Yog hosted afterwards). Yog.0 is quite powerful on its own early (even without Datasucker tokens). Strong barriers you can just bounce off of, but most of the nasty facecheck ICE is within Yog's range (Komainu, Tsurugi, Neural Katana, Architect, Viktor 1.0, Fenris). I'd say Ichi 1.0 is probably the worst case scenario ICE that is actually commonly played - everything else is either unusual or really expensive late-game ICE.

All that said, if you get your Yog.0 before your Dinosaurus, you have a serious problem that your deck isn't really addressing. Your Clone Chip or Retrieval Run could put Yog.0 back on Dino, but it would have to be in your heap already - and you can't trash programs whenver you want to, only when you are going to install another one. The card you really want is Scavenge, which you should own 3 of since you have Creation and Control. Scavenge will allow you to immediately relocate your installed program for free, with no run required. I would immediately replace your 2 Retrieval Runs with Scavenges, and then I'd find room for a third one. Scavenge also allows you to re-target your Femme Fatale for free, it refills your Cerberus "Lady" H1 tokens for free, and it allows you to re-adjust your Atman's strength (although you'll need to pay for the power counters again).

10 Apr 2015 Bigguyforyou518

In general, I would revisit your whole approach to program density. With powerful tools for drawing, tutoring (looking through your deck for a specific card), and recursion (reviving trashed cards), Shapers often run with only one or two copies of the programs they want, because they're confident they can find them when they need to, and can bring them back if they ever get destroyed or discarded.

So specifically, you probably don't need 3x Cerberus "Lady" H1, especially with Scavenge to refill tokens. You don't need 2x Paintbrush (especially since you'll only need them later in the game). I would also argue that you probably dont need 2 Atmans and 2 Femme Fatales. Those cards are "silver bullets", that is, you tutor them up mid-run via a clone chip or self-modifying code when you run into something huge or ridiculous that you cannot break any other way. You usually don't need more that 2 of these sorts of cards total, and you have 4 here. Atman can serve a slightly different purpose if a ton of their ICE has the same strength, and Femme can double as a sentry-breaker, but I wouldn't rely on these cards to fill those roles. I would say maybe drop one of each, and add in a single Mimic to be your back-up sentry breaker (since you're already running Datasuckers to pump it).

10 Apr 2015 Bigguyforyou518

I must say I love the idea of Omega as Kit's AI Icebreaker. Should help out a lot when they try to layer their servers with non-code gate ICE at the back :D

I would also reconsider Sahasrara as a part of your econ engine. While you do have a lot of programs, Sahasrara is a little awkward in how it requires further support (increased )to be useful. The card itself requires 1, but if you have enough programs to make it worthwhile, then chances are your is already overflowing (and if you're at cap, you can't use Sahasrara at all, even to "trade out" an installed program for a new one).

Futhermore, if you need extra , Dyson Mem Chip is probably not the way to go. Increased is always nice, but is so situationally useful that it is never really something you should build towards except as a side-benefit to powering up something like Underworld Contact or ZU.13 Key Master. If you're still hurting for memory, consider Akamatsu Mem Chips or CyberSolutions Mem Chips. Always consider your end-game rig, and how much memory you'll realistically need for it.

10 Apr 2015 Bigguyforyou518

Consider splashing in a Parasite. If you have a charged up Datasucker, you can install the Parasite mid-run via Clone Chip or Self-modifying Code and immediately trash a piece of ICE you're encounting without having to break a single subroutine. More importantly, you can use (and re-use through Clone Chip and Test Run) the Parasite to deal with the most annoying and effective counter to Kit - cheap, stupid ICE thrown in front of the first ICE solely for the purpose of wasting Rielle "Kit" Peddler: Transhuman's ability. A mere Pop-up Window, Ice Wall, or Pup will completely lock you out of a server as long as they're put in front of another piece of ICE. Keep a Parasite or two in your pocket to deal with these shenanigans.