Parcel Mistress

IonFox 1504

My first attempt at making a Valencia deck after being told that I play too much Shaper. I'm hoping to refine and polish this deck to the point where it can be a serious contender at a store championship next month, so all feedback and opinions are welcome!

This deck contains the standard cards to take advantage of Valencia's ability with lots of recursion to deliver the corp a never ending stream of surprise presents, leaving them too stunned to react. The general game plan is to stack bad pub on the corp, while using blackmail to pressure remotes, medium to lock down R&D, and vigil and protestors to cut down HQ. The main reason I opted to not go for the account siphon + pie-hole build is because of MaxX's prevalence in my meta, and all the tech corps are packing to beat her.

However, a sad fact is that there is always a chance of meeting someone with bad pub removal, be it dedicated (veterans program or Blue Sun mills recursion) or simply because it's convenient (clone retirement as an in-faction 2/1). Hence, another key idea when building this deck was to ensure that it could function regardless of whether the bad pub got rolling, leading to the classic suckers and Anarch breaker suite.

Another issue with Valencia is her 50 card deck. While this does let you fit in more toys and surprise packages for the corp, it also means that it will be harder to get the cards you need, when you need them. Thus, I decided to include multiple copies of cards that are necessary or nice to have, as well as splashing for tutoring (SMC and special order) in order to procure the cards we need on demand.

The single copy of knifed is a floater slot, and I am not sure what should go there at the moment. Depending on the feedback here and initial playtest results, I could swap it out for a different cutlery, imp, frame job or another knight.

Thanks for taking the time to read through this and sharing your ideas, I truly hope to turn this into a viable, competitive Valencia deck, and hold fast to this deck's core values:

Liberty. Reason. Justice. Civility. Edification. Perfection. MAIL

17 Feb 2015 wormmonda

Liked for the Homestuck reference.

17 Feb 2015 IonFox

@wormmonda hail, fellow reader. Thanks!

17 Feb 2015 Tr33beard

I worry about the amount of money in the deck. You've only got Kati Jones, Sure Gamble, and Investigative Journalism. I'm running a very similar deck to this one, and I've found that it definitely wants more money than I see here. I would try to find room for at least Daily Casts for a little more econ.

17 Feb 2015 IonFox

@Tr33beard Alright thanks! I might drop knifed and a mimic for 2 daily casts and see how it goes.