SlySquid's Pawnshop v3.2

SlySquid 4763

So I've been getting a lot more games in with this deck and have made a few more tweaks to make it more consistent, first being I'm only using Crypsis as my main breaker, it's the every-breaker and will do most of the heavy lifting. Next was switching out Armitage Codebusting for Liberated Account this will net me one less credit but it also needs half the click investment, and if I'm running Crypsis and Wyldside I need all the clicks I can get... Lastly I dropped the Djinn's for more copy's of the cards I was planning on tutoring, the card works on paper but than again, so does communism. It also gave me a few more mills if I have to switch it up and start milling for the win instead of just being aggressive and pressuring every server like I'm intending for this deck to do...

15 Oct 2014 Pegaz

And hades?

15 Oct 2014 SlySquid

As good as Hades Shard is, I'm a fan of consistency, and having a single copy of a card that I can't tutor for bugs me...

I'd also consider using it a lot more if it didn't have influence, I'm not saying it shouldn't have influence, but I simply have no wiggle room with my out of faction cards, I could cut a Clone Chip but than I'd have two things I wouldn't consistently see...

My last point is that I'm less of a straight mill deck than other Noise: Hacker Extraordinaire decks, I love the ability for the fact that it's disruptive, often debilitating and allows me to put pressure on archives like very few decks can, that said I like to be as aggressive as I am disruptive...