millford academy

x3r0h0ur 8956

Like combo decks? Like noise? Don't mind being aggressive? Come to the millford academy where G-mods are neither to be seen nor heard.

The deck plays like standard fare Noise, mill, run poke, build board state. Ideally ending with autoscripter installed, savoire faire installed, amped and stimhack in hand, duggers in play, and preferably grimoire.

Megaturn: Amped up, duggars, stimhack, install shit with stimhack dollars via savoir-faire (lots and lots of shit), gain a click back from AS, get access, have massive improved board state and have a click left to check archives/remote, all in one turn!

This is a lot of parts, but the parts are all good on their own. Autoscripter by itself gets you bonus clicks, and crypsis helps you not fail runs. Savoire-Faire helps you pop out parasites onto ice with already loaded suckers similar to clone chip. Stimhack combos with Savoir alone as well. The weakest link is duggars, which even by itself can let you mega dig for what you NEED, seed the heap with the viruses you want, deja them back, and stimhack them into play!

Bonus points for cracking a big incubator with medium in hand stimhacking RnD for a sudden monster access (gaining a click from autoscripter of course!)

20 Mar 2015 FarCryFromHuman

Any reason why you wouldn't want to run Mass Install with this? Seems like it fits your theme perfectly!

20 Mar 2015 x3r0h0ur

Just slots, thats all. I don't see why you can't go over 45 cards though, given that duggars can get you your deck in 4 turns....

20 Mar 2015 FarCryFromHuman

Mass Install + Scheherazade + Origami you know you want to.

20 Mar 2015 x3r0h0ur

Why stop there, add Ekomind

20 Mar 2015 FarCryFromHuman

No don't, you'll get it banned and ruin the fun for all of us.