Mother's Little Helper

greyfield 3917

Who said Exile is dead?

This is the post-restriction version of the runner I've been playing the last two months. In a sense, this deck is like if you took "The Book of Kate", cut out the Prepaid engine, and then crudely stitched in a Pawnshop package instead. But it turns out that that package does a great job of making you money, while guaranteeing that you never have worthless cards floating around. (You don't even need a Console, since you rarely have four programs you when you sell them as fast as you can.)

The big appeal of the deck is the interaction Timmy highlighted at worlds between Test Run and D4v1d. In this deck, you can do exceptionally going things like empty out a D4v1d, sell it to Aesop, then turn around and Test Run it back with that money (drawing a card and filling your Technical Writers), get three more uses out of it, and then put it back on your deck to do again next turn! I predict there will be plenty of Tollbooths and Assassins out this season, not to mention old "favorites" like Wraparound and Curtain Wall, and this deck effortlessly chews through them all. (Same for "Lady" - I don't think there's a deck in the format that can use that card better.)

Don't be afraid to do seemingly-unproductive techy plays like SMCing a Cache or even Test Running a Cache out of heap, especially when you have your Writers out. Sometimes your recurral gets piled up in your hand, and you need to turn it into a meager profit. Also, against Butcher Shop, remember that your Clone Chips can artificially pad your hand size to survive Traffic Accident + Scorch.

3 Same Old Things may be too many, though you can always sell the extras. Another option might be a single Symmetrical Visage.