On Layaway

FarCryFromHuman 113

Thought I'd try my hand at a Hayley Chameleon deck.

This is a weird one. It's a run poor deck that attempts to keep the corp on your level with aggressive ICE destruction. Hayley's click-compression ability mitigates the cost of using cards like Tyson Observatory, while allowing her to quickly put her rig together via Replicator.

I'm attemping to run without any events at all, which is surely foolish, but is a result of the following realization: Order of Sol is way easier to trigger than Sure Gamble in hardware decks, and allows you to keep chaining installs when broke.

When paired with Personal Workshop, you should be using Hayley on both players' turns. Installing two cheap programs on Scheherazade on the corp's turn and gaining 2-3 is pretty amusing and not at all janky.

Gravedigger seems awesome here, but I might switch it for another Grimoire or something else fun. It wants to exist in the Hyperdriver + Leprechaun archetype I think.

Comments and suggestions encouraged!